Shomakhmadov S. The Sanskrit Fragment of Kṣāntivādi-jātaka in ‘Proto-Śāradā’ Script from the Serindia Collection of IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. Vol. 8, No. 1(15), 2022. P. 3–15.
The article introduces the Sanskrit fragment of Kṣāntivādi-jātaka kept in the Serindian Fund of the IOM, RAS. A brief review of the script ‘proto-śāradā’ (in which the jātaka’s text is written) is given. The author points out that this fragment is a part of a certain Jātakamālā manuscript ‘edition’. The article includes transliteration, translation and comments on the text of the fragment.
The Iranological Conference In Memory of Prof. O. Akimushkin will be held at the IOM RAS on February 22, 2023. The programme of the conference is now available.