Mongolica. Vol. XXV, No. 1. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Mongolist Lidia Leonidovna Viktorova (1921–2006) / Ed. by I. V. Kulganek (editor-in-chief), D. A. Nosov (secretary), M. A. Kozintcev (deputy secretary) et al. St Petersburg, 2022. 96 p. ISSN 2311-5939.
The 100th anniversary of L. L. Viktorova (1921–2006) (from the Editorial Board) — 5
S. V. Romanova. Andrey Grigoryevich Danilin as a researcher of the traditional culture of the altaians (based on the materials of the Russian Museum of Ethnography) — 7
The article aims to sanctify the activities of Andrei Grigorievich Danilin as an Altai-researcher and collector of ethnographic
collections on the traditional culture of the Altaians, as well as to introduce into scientific circulation new data about the collector
and the area of his scientific interests stored in the funds and the Archives of the Russian museum of Ethnography. The article
outlines the prospects for attribution of A. G. Danilin using the identification of items collected by A. G. Danilin, who entered
the State Museum of Ethnography during the transfer of the funds of the Moscow Museum of the Peoples of the USSR, with the
author's descriptions of these items or their analogues published in his monography “Burkhanism (from the history of the
national liberation movement in Gorny Altai)”, published in Gorno-Altaisk in 1993.
Keywords: A. G. Danilin, Altai, Altai studies, traditional culture, Burkhanism, objects of worship
O. K. Bavaeva. Translation features of the poetry (poems by David N. Kugultinov) — 32
The article deals with the techniques employed by the translators in the translation of poems. The difference in the two language
systems and linguistic pictures of the world impose the necessity to use transformational methods such as: concretization, explication, compensation. In some cases the translators make use of pragmatic adaptation to fully express the poet’s ideas in the
Russian language.
Keywords: Pragmatic adaptation, compensation, explication, equivalency, syntactical parallelism, amphibrach, transferred
V. Z. Tserenov. On the origin and meaning of the name Djangar — 38
P. S. Pallas was the first who tried to determine an origin and a meaning of the name Djangar. Well-known Russian, Soviet and
foreign researchers, from A. A. Bobrovnikov to others, suggested that this name originated from Persian title “djihanguir” —
“conqueror of the world”. However, the image of Djangar includes religious and mythological beliefs of different epochs. The
meaning of name relates with an ancient motif of orphan, alone hero. In opinion of the author of this article, the name ǰangγar
ascends to proto-Turkic *jaŋɨŕ — “alone, single, only” and represents an example of early contact lexicon of Turkic and Mongolian
Keywords: Djangar, Turkic languages, Mongolian languages, motif of orphan, alone hero
B. L. Mitruev. Kalmyk seals in Sanskrit — 47
Among the many seals of the Kalmyk nobility of the 18th–19th centuries, the imprints of which found on the letters, there are seals
with a legend in Sanskrit. This study examines two such seals and other similar seals from Mongolia and Tibet. The aim of the
article is to introduce the scientific research data on two Kalmyk seals in Sanskrit and offer a hypothesis of their origin. Materials
used were recently published letters of Kalmyk rulers, as well as samples of seals from the “Catalogue of stamps from Ladakh”.
The study clarified the content of the inscriptions on the stamps and proposed a hypothesis about their origin.
Keywords: Kalmykia; seal; sphragistics; Kalmyk sphragistics; Ishi Tsoi Gelen; Sanskrit; Tibet; Vartu writing
I. A. Alimov. Bureaucracy in motion: Chinese travel diaries of the 10th–13th Centuries (II) — 55
The article continues the topic of studying traveling diaries of Chinese officials of the 10th–13th centuries and talks about «Bei
xing ri lu», a diary that Lou Yue led, being a member of the embassy to Jin in 1169–1170. This is one of the four most significant
diaries of this kind, the storeroom of a variety of unique information about the Jurchen state, its intensities and customs, state and
territorial dispensation and the features of diplomatic etiquette between Sun and Jin.
Keywords: China of X–XIII centuries, the Song Era, travel diaries, traditional Chinese officials, Jin, Lou Yue
Y. A. Ioannesyan. Sermons of Sayyid Kazim Rashti in the month of Ramadan 1257 AH: On the issue of “prophetic/religious cycles” In the Shaykhi teachings — 62
This study deals with the Shaykhi, i. e. alternative to the prevailing in Islam view of the Prophet Muhammad as the last bearer of
religious revelation in the history of humankind. The teaching that builds a “bridge” from the revelation of Muhammad to
subsequent revelations is set forth in the writings of one of the founders of Shaykhism — Sayyid Kazim Rashti, whose lectures
served as the basis for this article. The study also reveals the features of this Shaykhi approach to the topic in the context of
Shiite Islam.
Keywords: Shiite Islam, Shaykhi school, “Seal of prophethood”
S. S. Sabrukova. A history of Mongolian studies in Russia: from the memoirs of G. I. Mikhaylov (1909–1986) — 67
The article is dedicated to the recollections of G. I. Mikhaylov — a 20th c. prominent Russian researcher of Mongolia in which
he remembers his teachers and colleagues — B. Ya. Vladimirtsov, G. E. Grum-Grshimailo, A. V. Burdukov, S. A. Kozin,
N. N. Poppe and G. N. Rumyantsev and which were discovered in the private collection of N. P. Shastina now kept in the
Archives of Orientalists at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Science. G. I. Mikhailov called his
memoirs ‘notebooks about the distinguished Russian orientalists’, in them he was also describing the details of his life at that
time, his personal opinions and views on various events taking place in the life of his ‘characters’. The memoirs cover the period
of more than forty years — from 1926 till 1967. They are written in a vivid captivating language with the use of dialogue.
Keywords: B. Ya. Vladimirtsov, G. E. Grum-Grshimailo, A. V. Burdukov, S. A. Kozin, N. N. Poppe. G. N. Rumyantsev.
K. V. Orlova. International academic conference “100 years of diplomatic relations between Russia and Mongolia: from friendly relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership” — 76
V. Kulganek. New Publications on Mongolian Studies — 81
In memory of Elena Yurievna Kharkova (1955–2021) — 89
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Keywords Viktorova, Lidia Leonidovna
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