Zorin A. “The Wish-Fulfilling Precious Gem”: the “Gzungs bsdus”and “Mdo mang” Collections in the History of Tibetan Literature [«Драгоценный камень, исполняющий желания»: Сборники «Сунгдуй» и «Доманг» в истории тибетской литературы]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers, 2021. 292 p. (Orientalia). ISBN 978-5-85803-562-6
A special place in the history of Tibetan literature belongs to the collections of dhāraṇī-sūtras, praises of the names of deities, prayers, etc. “Gzungs bsdus” compiled by Tāranātha, the 17th century, and, to a lesser extent, several “Mdo mang” collections that go back to the edition by Zhalu-lotsāwa Chos skyong bzang po, the 16th century, are the most famous collections of this kind. Apart from the history of these collections, the work analyzes in detail the core of their repertoire, the texts being considered as examples of the corresponding genres: such as dhāraṇī-sūtras, minor sūtras, nāmāṣṭaśatakas, prayers, etc. The Appendices contain the Russian translation of a few selected texts, as well as tables and lists that reveal the history of development, contents of the collections and certain features of their
editions. PDF-files Front matter, Summary
Keywords Buddhist literature dhāraṇī-sūtra Gzungs bsdus mantra Mdo mang Tāranātha Tibetan literature Zhalu-lotsāwa Chos skyong bzang po
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