Lundysheva O., Turanskaya А. Brāhmī glosses of the Uygur blockprint of Sitātapatrā dhāraṇī kept in the IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient, 1(9) 2019. P. 12—23.
This paper deals with the fragment of one of the blockprint Sitātapatrā editions
that belongs to the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the
Russian Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. The authors focus on Brāhmī parts
included into the Uyghur text. Some observations on the correlation of Uygur script signs
and akṣaras in Brāhmī are made. The Chart of akṣaras found in the blockprint is attached.
An extended meeting of the Academic Council will be held at 14:00 on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Six talks will be given on the topic of “Oriental studies: teachers and students”.