Zorin A. Fragments of Tibetan Texts Refound at the Dunhuang Collection Kept at the IOM, RAS: Eleven Identified Fragments of Buddhist Canonical Texts // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(5), 2017. P. 49—72.
The paper presents texts of eighteen identified Tibetan fragments kept at the
IOM, RAS Dunhuang Collection. These are fragments of five canonical Buddhist texts:
Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa pa (7 fragments), ’Phags pa ’jigs
pa chen po brgyad las sgrol ba zhes bya ba’i gzungs (1 fragment), ’Phags pa chos thams
cad kyi yum zhes bya ba’i gzungs (an almost complete text), ’Phags pa tshe dang ye shes
dpag tu med pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo (1 fragment), De bzhin gshegs pa
bdun gyi sngon sman lam gyi khyad par rgyas pa zhes bya ba mdo sde bklag cing de
bzhin gshegs pa bdun mchod de| smon lam gdab pa’i cho ga mdo sde las btus te rim par
bklag pa (1 fragment). The first four texts can be found in Bka’ ’gyur, the latter one in
Bstan ’gyur. The Derge edition of Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur was used to fill the
lacunae in the fragments
On June 23‒24, 2025, the international conference “Military Oriental studies in service to the Fatherland: 80th anniversary of the Great Victory” will take place at the IOM, RAS.