The Vedānta Manuscripts Kept in the Indian collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences: An Annotated Catalogue [Рукописи школы веданта в собраниях Института восточных рукописей РАН: аннотированный каталог]. Compiled with introductory papers, translations and indexes by S. L. Burmistrov. Moscow: Nauka — Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, 2018. 479 p. (Pamyatniki pis’mennosti Vostoka. CLII). ISBN 978-5-02-039832-0
The monograph presents the first systematic annotated catalogue of Vedāntist
manuscripts kept in the Indian collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of
the Russian Academy of sciences. The catalogue is premised with vast and scrupulous
essay on the history of formation of the Indian collection of IOM RAS and the study
of the history and philosophy of Vedānta. The monograph includes also transliterations
and translations of some texts from the Indian collection, attended with commentaries...
On November 14‒16, 2024, the 2nd All-Russia conference of young orientalists “Army and military traditions of the Near East” will be held at the IOM RAS.