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Mongolica-XXI / Ed. by I.V.Kulganek et al. St Petersburg, 2018. 104 p. ISSN 2311-5939.

The 21st issue of the "Mongolica" magazine is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the outstanding Russian mongolist Tatyana Dmitriyevna Skrynnikova.


Great research travel from Leningrad to Ulan-Ude and back to Saint Petersburg (to the anniversary of T. D. Skrynnikovoy) (by D. D. Amogolonova and I. V. Kulganek) — 7


Karina Bikmaeva. Formation of the education system in Mongolia — 16
Before the revolution of 1921 the education in Mongolia was not clearly structured. But after the founding of the MPR the systematic creation of an education system began. Due to the large-scale cultural campaigns the level of literacy of the population increased from 5 % in the 1920s to 100 % in the 1970s.
Key words: education system, enlightenment, mobile schools, cultural campaign

V. Ju. Zhukov, I. V. Kulganek. Descendants of academician V. P. Vasilyev (1818—1900): to the 200th anniversary of his birth — 21
The article suggests the history of the descendants of the outstanding Russian Sinologist, the Buddhist V. P. Vasilyev up to the eighth generation, i. e. to the great right of the right, inclusive. And the article is a supplemented and mostly amended version of the report "Academician V. P. Vasilyev and his descendants: a sketch of the genealogical tree" read on April 4, 2018 at the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Academician V. P. Vasilyev (1818—1900 ) as a researcher of the culture of China, Tibet and Mongolia. On the 200th anniversary of his birth", which was held at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. St. Petersburg. Published in the same year.
Key words: V. P. Vasilyev, Kazan University, Sinology, Mongolian Studies, Buddhology, Sanskrit, descendants

T. D. Skrynnikova. Jasaγ concept in political culture of Mongols of the XIII—XVII centuries — 35
In this article the main emphasis is on analysis of Jasaγ concepts: evolution of meaning of this concept in the XIII—XVII centuries when the Mongolian chronicles which recorded the using of a concept in political culture were composed. The analysis of the Mongolian texts showed that the Jasaγ concept developed from designation of the occasional order of the Supreme ruler to organizing of the ruling structure subordinated to the ruler. According to the sources, we can speak about the beginning of formation of the Mongolian statehood.
Key words: Mongolia, power, Jasaγ concept, political culture

R. Yu. Pochekaev. Trial on Fatima Khatun (1246): accusation, investigation, sentence and punishment (on history of legal procedure in the Mongol Empire) — 42
The article is an analysis of elements of legal procedure in the Mongol Empire of the first half of the 13th c. by the example of trail on Fatima Khatun — favorite of Turakina, regent of the empire. Accusation in witchcraft and encroachment on the member of the ruling family caused court examination of the high level, with participation of Guyuk Khan himself. Author analyses information of sources on trail on Fatima as well as additional materials on court and legal procedure in the Mongol Empire, attitude of Mongols towards the witchcraft and punishment of sorcerers, He founds that examined case is a valuable addition to our idea on organization of justice in the empire of Chinggis Khan and his nearest successors and at the same time reflects specific features of legal procedure on such cases as witchcraft against members of khan’s family.
Key words: Mongol Empire, court and justice, accusation in witchcraft, Guyuk, Turakina, Fatima


K. V. Alekseev. On the paleographical peculiarities of the Manuscript Copy of the Erdeni Tunumal (preliminary observations) — 46
The article is devoted to a preliminary survey of the paleographical peculiarities of a singular seventeenth century manuscript, the Erdeni Tunumal Neretü Sudur. It presents the description of letters and graphic elements of the manuscript according to the scheme offered by D. Kara in his monograph Books of the Mongolian Nomads. The analysis of the handwriting of the manuscript suggests that it can be attributed to a single scribe, who, probably, did not have a professional status.
Key words: Erdeni Tunumal, paleography, handwriting, writing style, autograph, copy

T. G. Basangova. Cumulative tales of Kalmyks — 50
The publication presents the author's translations of the Kalmyk folk cumulative tales, and provides a brief analysis of the features of this genre in the folklore of Kalmyks.
Key words: Folklore, typology, Kalmyks, translations

B. H. Borlykova. Kalmyk musical instruments national museum of the Republic of Kalmykia named after N. N. Pal'mov — 55
This article describes Kalmyk musical instruments that are stored at the National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia named after N. N. Pal'mov. Based on the well-known system of E. Hornbostel and K. Zaks, Kalmyk musical instruments are classified into brass (aerophones), strings (chordophones), membrane (membrane) and self-sounding (idiophones).
Key words: wind musical instruments, string musical instruments, percussion musical instruments, kalmyks, National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia named after N. N. Pal'mov

A. V. Zorin. A Tibetan Scroll from a Prayer Wheel Brought to St. Petersburg in the First Half of the 18th Century — 62
This paper deals with a newly re-found scroll in Tibetan that belonged to the 18th century acquisitions. The scroll was supposed to be inserted into a prayer wheel or another cult object. It consists of 27 separate leaves that contain Buddhist sacral formulae, the four variants of block prints being represented, and two randomly taken folios of some Tibetan books, at least one of them relating to the Kagyu Order of Tibetan Buddhism. Four analogous leaves with sacral formulae are found in another item — a bundle of separate leaves that was also acquired by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences no later than 1798. These leaves were most probably taken out of the scroll considered. Since two of them are marked with a special black stamp that was used at the Library of the Academy of Sciences until the middle of the 18th century, we can be quite sure that this scroll was one of the very earliest acquisitions of the Tibetan texts in St. Petersburg.
Key words: Tibetan scrolls, dhāraṇī, the IOM RAS collection, earliest acquisitions, J. Busse, I. J. Schmidt

B. V. Menyaev. Oirat written source dedicated to the cult of fire (on the material of the manuscript from a private collection of the Kalmyk priest Osrang Bataev) — 67
There are about hundreds of written sources on the Oirat clear letter devoted to the cult of fire in the manuscript collections and libraries in Russia, Mongolia and China. In Kalmykia, the work dedicated to the cult of fire is found for the first time.
Key words: the cult of fire, Othon-Galhan, Oirat manuscript, private collection, transliteration

V. Z. Tserenov. Hsiung-nu fabulas in "Djangar" epic songs — 71
When Tung-hu found out that Mao-tun had taken the rule of Hsiung-nu, they demanded several requisitions. These stories were developed into legends and later were reflected in «Djangar» epic songs. Thus, folklore has a historic value.
Key words: Hsiung-nu, Tung-hu, Mao-tun, Topa, Kereyid, Djangar


B. B. Baradiyn. The problems of the methodology of translation Foreword, publication and notes by E. P. Ostrovskaia75
The article is written by the eminent Buryat scholar Badzar Baradi Baradiyn (1878—1937) in the beginning of 1930-s when the translations of selected works of V. I. Lenin into modern Buryat language were planned to be published in Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous SSR. In the scope of this project Baradiyn, being the leading specialist in Buryat language and literature composed a paper on the methodology of translation. He exposed the theory of translation in the form of practical guide for translators. According to his conception ideal translation must make impression of an original text. The paper contains also the assessment of Lenin’s literary style. The original text of the paper is kept in the Baradiyn’s collection of the Orientalists’ Archive of IOM RAS. The paper is published for the first time.
Key words: Buryatia, Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous SSR, Orientalists’ Archive of IOM RAS, Baradiyn’s original paper on the methodology of translation


T. V. Ermakova. Rev. on: Chetyrova L. B. Kalmyk Bazaar — the first capital of the Kalmyks: a monograph. Samara: "Knizhnoje Izdatel’stvo" LLC, 2017. 140 p. — 80


To the 70th anniversary of Badma Markhadjievitch Narmaev (by M. P. Petrova) — 82

To famous Mongolian historian Norovsambuu Khishigt (by L.B. Zhabaeva) — 83


V. Inzhinash. Red Chamber of Tears. The Novel. Chapters nine, ten and eleven (translated from Classical Mongolian by L. G. Skorodumova) — 86

Mongolian folktales (translated by D. A. Nosov) — 99

Information about the authors — 103


The entire issue


Skrynnikova, Tatyana

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