Zorin A. On the Collection of Sādhanās by Ching Sudjugthu Lobzang Norbu Sherab // The First International Scientific Conference “Historical and Cultural Links between Mongolia and Tibet”. 2017.7.21—23. Collected papers. Northwest Minzu University, 2017. P. 11—15.
The 18th century Khalkha Mongol scholar Ching Sudjugthu Lobzang Norbu Sherab was an important Geluk author whose Tibetan Gsung vbum was presumably block printed in Peking. It consists of seven volumes four of which, ga to cha, contain the collection of sādhanās entitled Yi dam rgya mtsho’i sgrub thabs rin chen ’byung gnas kyi lhan thabs gsal ba’i me long. It is a commentary to the famous collection by Tāranātha known as Rin ’byung. Its importance was sustained by the Seventh Panchen Lama Bstan pavi phyogs las rnam rgyal who compiled his own version of the collection and prepared an iconographic album with two additions. The album contains about 500 miniatures of various Buddhist saints and deities and was widely used by Buddhist icon painters. A comparison of Panchen’s version with the previous versions shows that he could use Ching Sudjugthu’s collection in his own work. Obviously, the latter’s version remained in use, too, since it was studied by Boris Pankratov, in the 1920s. This Russian scholar lived in China, mostly in Beijing, during the 1920s up to the middle of the 1930s, for several years he was an assistant of A. Staël von Holstein who organized and headed the Sino-Indian Institute in China’s capital. The archival documents found at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, the Russian Academy of Sciences, shed light on Pankratov’s studies of Ching Sudjugthu’s collection of sādhanās which deserves more attention as a source on the Buddhist iconographic tradition of Tibet and Mongolia.
The 3rd International Academic Conference “The Written Heritage of the Orient” dedicated to the 140th anniversary of B.Ya. Vladimirtsov (1884–1931) will take place at the IOM RAS on April 22–24. The conference program is now available.