Zorin A. On the Rare Mongolian Edition of the Tibetan Gzungs bsdus Collection // Mezhdunarodny forum "Buddizm v dialoge kultur Vostoka i Zapada: proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee", 20—23 sentyabrya 2015 goda / Eds. B.K.Salaev et al. Elista, 2016, p. 49—54.
Gzungs bsdus, or Gzungs ’dus, is the famous collection of minor canonical, apocryphic and postcanonical Buddhist texts which isgenerally attributed to the Tibetan Buddhist teacher and thinker Tāranātha (1575-1634). It was Tāranātha who founded the Rtag brtan dam pa’i chos kyi gling monastery near Shigatse, which was the major center of the Jo nang pa school of Tibetan Buddhism up to its conversion
to Dge lugs pa by the Fifth Dalai Lama in 1650, which followed with the renaming of the monastery to Dga’ ldan phun tshogs gling, in 1658. The first block print edition of Gzungs bsdus must have been produced
in the Rtag brtan monastery between 1634 and early 1650s. It remains yet to be discovered, while
some early editions that are very close to it have been found in St. Petersburg
and Stockholm. One of them, printed in Mongolia, presumably, in the second half of the
17th century, is of the greatest importance since it seems to be the closest rendition of the original
Rtag brtan edition... PDF-files The entire paper
Keywords Gzungs bsdus Mongolian block prints Rtag brtan monastery Tāranātha Tibetan literature
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