Kamalov A. Uyghur Memoir Literature in Central Asia on Eastern Turkestan Republic (1944—49) // Studies on Xinjiang Historical Sources in 17—20th Centuries. Ed. by J. Millward, Shinmen Yasushi, Sugawara Jun. Tokyo: the Toyo Bunko, 2010. P. 257—278.
In the 1940s the Turkic Muslim population of the western province of China
-Xinjiang (Eastern Turkestan) acquired great political significance. During that
very complicated period in Chinese and world history when China was divided
into two primary warring factions - that of Kuomintang and that of the Communist
Party, in the northwestern districts of Xinjiang neighboring Soviet Kazakhstan (the
IIi district) a Revolution of the local Muslim people broke out in 1944, and the
formation of the Eastern Turkestan Republic (ETR), a pro-Soviet nationalist State
was proclaimed. The ETR existed until 1949 when the whole of China was united
under Communist power. The appearance of the Muslim Turkic State independent
from China in the region bordering with the former Soviet Republics was an
important event in the modern History of Central Asia. It influenced the national
identity of the local Uyghurs and Kazakhs of Xinjiang as well as that of relative
peoples in Soviet Central Asia...
On February 19, 2024, the IOM RAS will host the annual Iranological Conference in memory of O. F. Akimushkin. The programme of the Conference is now available.