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Ablet Kayumovich

Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - History
Ablet Kamalov was born on 27 October 1961 in Kulja, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region of China. In 1963 he migrated with his parents to Kazakh SSR. In 1979 graduated with golden medal from the secondary school #90 of Alma-Ata city, where he studied in a literature group. In 1979-1984 Ablet studied at the Department of Chinese studies of the Faculty of Oriental studies at the Tashkent State University, which he graduated with honour in 1984. In 1985-1989 he continued his education at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental studies, USSR Academy of Sciences (present: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of Russian Academy of Sciences), where he worked on his dissertation thesis entitled 'Uyghur Khanate in Mongolia (744-840)' under supervision of a prominent Russian Turkologist, a Head of the Sector of Turkology and Mongol Studies Dr. Sergey Grigoryevich Klyashtorny. Ablet Kamalov defended his Candidate of science dissertation on 4 May 1990 at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental studies. In 2008 he accomplished a Doctoral programme at the Institute of Oriental studies in Almaty, Kazakhstan. On 28 November 2008 he defended doctoral dissertation on the theme 'Turks and Iranian peoples in the T'and Empire (618-907)» and earned a degree of Doctor of Science in History (Habilitation).

Ablet Kamalov started his career with a position of assistant at the Sector of Uyghur studies, Institute of Linguistics of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences in 1984. After having graduated from the Ph.D. programme of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental studies he returned to the newly established Institute of Uyghur studies, Kazakh Academy of Sciences, where he held positions of Junior and Senior Research Fellow, then that of a Head of the Department of History and Source Studies. Since reconstruction of the Institute of Uyghur studies into the Institute of Oriental studies in 1986, he has been working at the Center for Uyghur studies of the latter holding a position of Chief Research Fellow. He is also Professor of the University 'Turan' in Almaty.

Ablet Kamalov has an extensive teaching experience. He developed programmes and organized summer schools for university teachers and scholars at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary (courses 'Rewriting history: emering identities and nationalism in post-Soviet Central Asia', 2004, and 'History and nationalism in post-Soviet Central Asia', 2005). In 2005-2008 he coordinated programmes on history at the Educational Center 'Bilim-Central Asia' in Almaty.

Ablet Kamalov was a visiting scholar at the University of Washington (Seattle, 1998-1999), Oxford University, UK (2001-2002), the Library of US Congress, 2004-2005, Maison de Science de L'Homme, Paris (2011) and Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, 2012-2013. He served as internaional expert in evaluation of the TEMPUS programme of European Commission (Brussels, 2003-2005), programme on science and education of Volkswagen Stiftung (Hannover, 2009-2010) etc.

A.Kamalov has been a Member of the Board of Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) in 2003-2005, a Member of the Board of International Unit on Central and Inner Asian studies (Ulaan-Baatar, Mongolia) since 2014, Advisory Board Member of the Institute of Central Asian Studies at the American University of Central Asia (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), a Member of Editorial Board of the journal 'Central Asian survey' (London) since 2015, as well as some academic journals published in Kazakhstan.

Ablet Kamalov is author of the monograph 'Old Uyghurs. VIII-IX cc.' (Almaty, 2001), which has been published in Persian in Tehran, Iran in 2002, as well as more than 150 academic articles on history of Turkic and Iranian peoples of Tang China, Uyghurs of China and Central Asia, Uyghur and Chinese historiography and source studies.

Awarded with a medal «For contribution to development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan' (2011), 'Ilkham' prise of Kazakhstan (2009) .

Sphere of academic interests: history of Turks and Iranian peoples of Tang China, history and historiography of Uyghurs of Xinjiang (Eastern Turkistan) and Central Asia, Chinese and Turkic (Uyghur) written sources.



Kamalov A. Birth of Uyghur National History in Semirech'ye. Näzärγoja Abdusemätov and His Historical Works // Oriеnte Moderno. No. 96. 2016. P. 181—196.


Kamalov A. Uyghur Memoir Literature in Central Asia on Eastern Turkestan Republic (1944—49) // Studies on Xinjiang Historical Sources in 17—20th Centuries. Ed. by J. Millward, Shinmen Yasushi, Sugawara Jun. Tokyo: the Toyo Bunko, 2010. P. 257—278.


Kamalov A. Uyghur Studies in Central Asia: A Historical Review // Asian Research trends. New Series. #1. Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko, 2006. P. 3—32.


Kamalov A. Sino-Uighurica: Revisiting the Uighur runic inscriptions and the T’ang sources // Bolor-un Gerel. Crystal-splendour. Essays presented in honour of Professor Kara Gyorgy’s 70th birthday. Volume 1. Ed. by Birtlan Agnes and Rakos Attila. Eotvos Lorand University, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2005. P. 385—391.

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