Zorin A. On an Unique Tibetan Manuscript Mistakenly Included into the Dunhuang Collection // Talking about Dunhuang on the Riverside of the Neva / 涅瓦河邊談敦煌. Ed. by TAKATA Tokio / 高田時雄編. Institute ror Research in Humanities Kyoto University / 京都大學人文科學研究所 2012. P. 39—50.
In the vast Tibetan collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (IOM), the collection of texts, acquired from Dunhuang, is one of the most important parts. In 1911, two scrolls and three books from Dunhuang were sent to St Petersburg by N.N. Krotkov (1869-1919), the Russian consul in Ürümqi. Two years later, in 1913, “a pile of scrolls” was sent to St Petersburg, probably by Krotkov again, and passed to the Asiatic Museum by the suggestion from acad. S.F. Oldenburg (1863-1934). In 1970s, two scrolls sent in 1911 and scrolls sent in 1913 were processed as an entire collection and then, in 1991, catalogued by Dr L.S. Savitsky (1932-2007). Later, in 2007, two more scrolls and, in 2011, three pothi books sent in 1911 were found by me among other Tibetan texts and added to the collection of Dunhuang Tibetan texts. One ms catalogued by L. Savitsky and containing a phonetic table of the alphabet of the vertical Central Asian bmhrni script, was on the contrary taken out of the Dunhuang collection and added to the Serindian collection of the Institute, in 1993. So at the moment the entire collection consists of 218 items...
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Keywords Hindu Buddhist syncretism Mahakala Tantric rituals Tibetan manucripts Vishnu Narasimha
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