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Bolshakov O.G. The History of Caliphate [История Халифата. Т. IV]. Moscow, Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers 2010. 367 p.: ill.


Introduction — 3

Chapter I. The peaceful decade of Abd al-Malik — 10

Repercussions of the civil war — 10

Shabib b. Yazid's uprising — 15

The defeat of the Azraqites — 25

Al-Muhallab in Khorasan — 32

The mutiny of Abd al-Rahman b. al-Ash'as — 38

The founding of Wasit — 51

A new conquest of Arminiya — 55

Carthage's last fall — 63

Chapter 2. At the height of power — 68

Transfer of power — 68

Al-Walid the builder — 75

Qutayba's first triumphs — 79

Preferment of Maslama b. Abd al-Malik — 90

Muslim advance in Maghreb — 93

A bound over the sea — 95

On the way to China — 101

The death of al-Hadjdjadj — 113

The plagues of Egypt — 119

Chapter 3. On the brink — 122

Sulayman's first steps — 122

The mutiny and death ofQutaybab. Muslim — 124

Yazid b. al-Muhallab's governorship in Khorasan — 127

The second siege of Constantinople — 131

The Alids and the Abbasids — 135

"The Second Umar ibn al-Khattab" — 139

Yazid II. Reverting to former policies — 147

Instability in Mawarannahr — 154

Persecution of Christian symbols — 159

Beginning of the wars against the Khazars — 161

Chapter 4. A delicate balance — 164

Beginning of the rule of Hisham — 164

War against the Khazars in the Caucasus — 166

Wars against the Turks over Mawarannahr — 170

From the peaceful Egypt to the warlike Maghreb — 178

Victories over the Khazars — 185

Al-Harith b. Suraydj's uprising — 190

Turkic offensive and the Khaqan's death — 193

Subduing the Berber uprising in Maghreb — 200

The Alids and the Abbasids; Zayd b. Ali's rebellion — 204

Reconciliation with the Sogdians — 211

The fruits of stability: monumental construction — 212

Chapter 5. The end of stability — 223

The caliph who wrote verses — 223

Mutinies instead of reconciliation — 231

Yazid's death and Marwan b. Muhammad's coup — 238

The mutinous Iraq — 242

The mutiny and death of Al-Harith b. Suraydj — 250

Сhapter 6. The fall of the Umayyads and the end of the Arab Empire — 256

Beginning of the open anti-Umayyad rebellion — 256

The Kharidjites seize the sacred cities — 263

The flight and death of Nasr b. Sayyar — 267

Qahtaba advances on Iraq — 274

The triumph of the Abbasids — 280

The battle ofthe Zab and Marwan's flight — 283

Notes — 292

Abbreviations — 340

Bibliography: sources and literature — 341

Personal names and ethnonyms — 345

Geographical and topographical names — 355

Contents — 364


Аннотация, Введение, Contents, Оглавление


Abd al-Malik
Arab conquests
the end of the Arab Empire
the fall of the Umayyads

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