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Alexander Leonovich

Chief Researcher at the IOM RAS
Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - History
Born on January 29, 1953, in Orenburg.

In 1975, graduated from Leningrad State University, the Philological Faculty, the section of Classical Studies.

From 1976 up to present, works at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (now the IOM RAS), a chief researcher now. At the Institute studied Coptish under the supervision of Dr A.I.Elanskaya.

In 1983, defended the PhD Dissertation, The Novel about Alexander in Near East (the Coptic Version) [Роман об Александре на Ближнем Востоке (Коптская версия)]. In 1993, defended the Habilitation Dissertation, Alexandrian Christianity According to the Texts from Nag Hammadi such as II,6; VI,3; VII,4; IX,3 [Александрийское христианство по данным текстов из Наг Хаммади (II,6; VI,3; VII,4; IX,3)].

Research into Coptic texts translated from Greek, their life and transformation within the Coptic milieu resulted in a series of monographs such as Alexandrian Christianity According to the Texts from Nag Hammadi [Александрийское христианство по данным текстов из Наг Хаммади], Moscow 1991; Die Bibliothek von Nag Hammadi. Einige Probleme des Christentums in Ägypten während der ersten Jahrhunderte, Altenberge, Oros Verlag 1995; From the History of Early Christianity in Egypt. On the Basis of the Coptic Library from Nag Hammadi [Из истории раннего христианства в Египте. На материале коптской библиотеки из Наг Хаммади], Moscow 1997; Pachomius the Great. From the History of Cenobitic Monkhood in Egypt [Пахомий Великий. Из истории общежительного монашества в Египте]. St Petersburg 2004; The History of Manichaeanism. Prolegomena [История манихейства (Prolegomena)], St Petersburg 2007.

A member of the International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS) and International Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS), participant of numerous international congresses on Coptic studies, the history of Manichaeanism, religious studies.

Major research interests: religious culture of Egypt during the 2nd through 4th centuries, Gnosticism, early monkhood, Manichaeanism.



Khosroyev, Alexander L. A Different Gospel III. Gnostic Scriptures of the Second and Third Centuries and Some Problems of Early Christianity. — St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2023. — 468 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-0000-0


Khosroyev A.L. "A Different Gospel". II. Christian Gnostics of the Second and Third Centuries: Their Belief and Texts [«Другое благовестие». II. Христианские гностики II—III вв.: их вера и сочинения]. St. Petersburg: Contrast, 2016. 424 p., ill. (Historical Library). ISBN 978-5-4380-0170-6


Khosroyev A.L. Pachomius the Great. From the History of Cenobitic Monkhood in Egypt [Пахомий Великий. Из истории общежительного монашества в Египте]. St Petersburg, Nestor-istoriya Publishers 2004.


Khosroyev A. Die Bibliothek von Nag Hammadi. Einige Probleme des Christentums in Aegypten waehrend der ersten Jahrhunderte. Altenberge, “Oros-Verlag”, 1995


Khosroyev A.L. Alexandrian Christianity According to the Texts from Nag Hammadi (II, 7; VI, 3;. VII, 4; IX, 3) [Александрийское христианство по данным текстов из Наг Хаммади (II, 7; VI, 3;. VII, 4; IX, 3)], Moscow, Nauka Publishers 1991. 276 p.

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