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Adelaida Fedorovna

Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - Philology
Born on January 7, 1930 in Lenigrad. Her father, Fedor N. Trotsevich was an engineer, her mother, Ekaterina I. Trotsevich, a pharmacist.

In 1952 graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies, where she studied at Prof A.A.Kholodovich. In 1952 was admitted to the doctoral course at the Faculty's Department of Korean Philology. On May 24, 1962 defended the PhD dissertation entitled “The Story Of Chun-Hyang's Fidelity” And the Genre of Narration In the Korean Mediaeval Literature [История о верности Чхунхян” и жанр повести в корейской средневековой литературе], supervised by Prof A.A.Kholodovich. On March 15, 1983 defended the Habilitation Dissertation entitled The Korean Mediaeval Novel [Корейский средневековый роман].

Researcher (from 1957), senior researcher (from 1977), leading and chief researcher at the Leningrad/St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (now the IOM). From 1952 to 2000 taught the history of Korean literature at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Leningrad/St Petersburg State University. Supervised two PhD dissertations.

Major Research Interests: the history of Korean traditional literature, Korean manuscripts.

A member of the Academic Council at the IOM; a member of the Editorial Board of the series Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka.

Took part in a number of conferences, including the 25th ICANAS(Moscow 1960); national conferences The Theoretical Issues of the Study of the Far Eastern Literatures (from 1970 to the 1980s); international conferences of The Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE) (England, France, Sweden, from 1980 to the 1990s).

Published more than 70 papers, including 6 monographs, editions and researches of mediaeval Korean texts, some translations from Korean and entries for the Brief Literary Encyclopedia [Краткая литературная энциклопедия].

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Trotsevich A.F., Guryeva A.A. Description of Manuscripts and Block-prints of Korean Traditional Culture. Part II: Manuscripts and Block-prints in Keeping of the Manuscript Department of of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences [Описание письменных памятников корейской традиционной культуры. Выпуск II: Корейские письменные памятники в рукописном отделе Института восточных рукописей Российской академии наук]. St Petersburg 2009, 424 p.


Trotsevich A., Guryeva A. Description of Manuscripts and Block-prints of Korean Traditional Culture. Issue I: Korean Manuscripts and Block-prints Included in the Collection of Chinese Block-prints in Keeping of the Library of the Faculty for Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg National University [Описание письменных памятников корейской традиционной культуры. Выпуск I: Корейские письменные памятники в фонде китайских ксилографов восточного отдела Научной библиотеки Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета]. St. Petersburg National University Press 2008. 299 p., 110 illustr.


Trotsevich A. A Brief Remark on Korean Books Research // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 1, March 2001. P. 24-26.


Чек Сёный Чён. Квонджи тан (Повесть о Чек Сёные. В одной тетради). Из корейских ксилографов Санкт-Петербургского филиала Института востоковедения РАН. Факсимиле ксилографа / Перевод с корейского, предисловие, комментарий, приложения и указатель А.Ф.Троцевич. СПб.: Центр «Петербургское Востоковедение», 1996. 232 с. (Памятники культуры Востока: Санкт-Петербургская научная серия. III).


Trotsevich A.F. The Plots of Chinese Fiction In Korean Vernacular Novels // Literaru Migrators. Traditional Chinese Fiction In Asia (17-20th centuries). Ed. by C.Salmon. Beijing 1987. P. 85-105.


Троцевич А.Ф. Корейская средневековая повесть. М.: «Наука» ГРВЛ, 1975. 264 с. Ответственный редактор Л.Р.Концевич.


Троцевич А.Ф., Никитина М.И. Корейский роман «Удивительное соединение двух браслетов» // Труды Двадцать пятого Международного Конгресса востоковедов. Москва: 9-16 августа 1960 г. Том V. Заседания секций XVI-XX. М.: ИВЛ, 1963.

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