Ashirbek Kurbanovich
Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - History
Born on July 18, 1959, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. In 1982, graduated from Tashkent University, the Faculty of Oriental Languages, the Arabic Section. From 1987 to 1990, took doctoral course at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the USSR Academy of Sciences, his PhD dissertation was supervised by Dr S.M.Prozorov. It was entitled “Kata’ib a‘lam al-akhyar” by Al-Kafawi As a Source On the History of Islam in Mawarannahr, from the 2nd/9th to 8th/14th Century [«Ката’иб а‘лам ал-ахйар» ал-Кафави (ум. в 990/1582 г.) как источник по истории ислама в Мавераннахре (II/VIII-VII/XIII века)][«Ката’иб а‘лам ал-ахйар» ал-Кафави (ум. в 990/1582 г.) как источник по истории ислама в Мавераннахре (II/VIII-VII/XIII века)] and defended in Leningrad in 1991. In 2003, defended the Habilitation dissertation The Role and Place of Hanafi Ulema in the Life of the Cities of Central Mawarannahr, from the 2nd/9th to 8th/14th Century [Роль и место ханафитских ‘улама’ в жизни городов Центрального Мавараннахра (II-VII/VIII-XIII вв.)] in Tashkent.
From 1982 to 1985, worked as an academic technician at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. From 1985 to 1987, was in the army and served as a translator from Arabic. From 1990 to 1991, worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, from 1991 to 1993 as a lecturer at the Kh.A.Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan.
Major research interests:
the history of Islam in Central Asia; Abu Hanifa's school of Islamic jurisprudence in Central Mawarannahr; geneologies of khwajas among nomadic people; traditions of Arabographic manuscript books; Islamic education in Uzbekistan in the 20th century; theological disputes among the ulemas in the 20th century; holy places and the cult of the saints in Islam.
From 1993 worked at Tashkent State University, now works at the Institute of Oriental Studies, named for R.B.Suleimanov, Almaty.
Work Abroad:
From January to September 1981, interpretor from Arabic in the city of Asyut, Egypt.
April 1998, Visiting Professeur invité á Ecole Pratique de Hautes Etudes; EPHE, Paris, Sorbonne; IVe section, dans la direction Prof. F. Déroche.
From October 1999 to September 2001, Research grant, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
March 15-31, 2000, invited scholar, Paris, “Monde iranien” research group; CNRS-EPHE-INaLCO-Paris III.
June 9-17, 2001, invited scholar, Paris, “Monde iranien” research group; CNRS-EPHE-INaLCO-Paris III.
From February to March 2002, Visiting Professor invité á Ecole Pratique de Hautes Etudes; EPHE, Paris, Sorbonne; Ve section, dans la direction Prof. D. Aigle.
March 1-31, 2004, invited scholar, Paris, “Monde iranien” research group; CNRS-EPHE-INaLCO-Paris III.
International cooperation
From 1995, Chercheur associe, Institut Francais d’Etudes sur l’Asie central, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
From 1995 to 2000, Regional Coordinator in Central Asia for the INTAS (Bruessel) project Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18th to the Early 20th Centuries.
From 1997, participant of the project Islam in the Territories of the former Russian Empire. The Encyclopedic Dictionary [Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи. Энциклопедический словарь], headed by Dr S.M.Prozorov.
From 2000 to 2002, participant of the project Theological Disputes in Central Asia in 20th Century, International Project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation)
From 2002, headed the regional Uzbekistan group for the project Islamic Education in the Soviet Union and the CIS, International Project funded by VW-Foundation, Germany.
( the entire list as a *.pdf file) [1997]
Muminov A. The Fund of Arabographic Manuscripts in the Museum-Trust “Azret-Sultān” in the City of Turkestan // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 2, June 1997. P. 39-41.
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