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Anas Bakievich

Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - Philology
(25.02.1929 — 01.12.2001)
Born on February 25, 1929, in the village of Tcherki-Koshakovo, Buinsky District, Tatarstan, USSR.

From 1946 to 1951, a student at Leningrad State University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the Arabic Section, taught by Acad. I.J.Krachkovsky and Dr V.I.Belyayev.

In 1951, admitted to the doctoral course at the Institute of Oriental Studies, with the PhD dissertation entitled Narrative Fiction by Taha Hussein[Художественная проза Таха Хусайна], supervised by Dr V.I.Belyayev.

During 1960–1961, three important works were published such as the edition of the Second Note by Abu Dulaf, description of the collection of Arabic narrative fiction kept at the Institute, and the edition of the text Kitab al-manazil wa-'d-diyar by Usama b. Munkiz. These monographs proved his highest academic capability, therefore he was appointed the Head of the Department of Near Eastern Studies / the Arabic Department. By early 1980s, it was one of the best academic units at the Institute, mostly thanks to his stern but fair policy in running the Department.

In mid 1960s, he headed also the project of the compilation of the comprehensive catalogue of the Arabic mss kept at the Institute, and developed the entire scheme of processing the texts. Moreover, he did a lot to complete some other works by his predecessors. Thus, he edited The History of Arabic Literature [Истории новой арабской литературы] by A.E.Krymsky, his translations of fragments on Central Asia from the History by at-Tabari, and the unique ms of a part of Kitab al-Awrak by as-Suli (issued only in 1998), a text on the history of Arabic poetry, that being a project inaugurated by Dr V.I.Belyayev.

Like all the Arabists of his generation, he did not have a possibility to study Arabic amid the native speakers. But his solid knowledge of the literary language was highly appreciated by the Arabs and he was included into the Board of Kuwaiti Literary Awards Committee.

Many years of his research into the manuscripts collection were resulted in his monograph The Arabic Manuscripts and Arabic Manuscript Tradition [Арабские рукописи и арабская рукописная традиция] (Moscow 1985) that covered a broad circle of subjects such as the organizational aspects of the mss writing, ways of information transmission, social status of scribes, etc. This book was defended as the Habilitation dissertation. He was also entitled professor for his activities as a supervisor of many doctoral students. Though he could not spend much time giving lectures at universities his knowledge and expertise were always available for scholars from the entire USSR, and Arabic scholars were also respectful of him.

He was active in the life of the Institute as well but always tried to keep aside from official ideology. Thus, he disapproved the Soviet intrusion into Afghanistan. Earlier, during the Stalinist time when he was a student, he rejected to be a secret informer.

The liberalization of late 1980s caused his wish to revive the Tatar culture, to trace its sources at early Middle Ages. So, he scrutinized the Arabic texts in search of mentions of Volga Bulgar and the Bulgarians. In 1990s, he followed his inner call and moved to Kazan Univserity, first for 2 years. Along with his professorship he was eager to fulfill his old dream and make a solid academic translation of Quran into Tatar. He felt he would be eaten away soon by a cruel disease and did his best. His destiny seems to be merciful to him and he was able to complete his project well.

On December 1, 2001, the Institute’s authorities received a cable from Dr Anas B. Khalidov in which he asked for his resignation. And this very day was the last day of his life. Thus, he remained at the Department of Near Eastern Studies until his death.

The whole epoch passed away with him. He was a brilliant expert in mss studies and followed the path patterned by his teachers such as Acad. I.J.Krachkovsky and Dr V.I.Belyayev. Apart from the Institute’s collection he took part in processing collections kept at the National Library and St Petersburg University, in South Yemen, was a member of an archaeographic expedition to Dagestan, studied mss in Cairo and Istanbul. Regrettably, he failed to find his true heir in this area. It is hard to imagine now that there will soon appear somebody as enthusiastic as him.

Based upon the paper by O.G.Bolshakov, Professor A.B.Khalidov (25.II.1929-1.XII.2001) As Seen from the Inside of the Arabic Department [Профессор А. Б. Халидов. (25.II.1929-1.XII.2001): Взгляд из Арабского кабинета], - in Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 10 (2002), p. 553-539.

Tr. by A.Zorin

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Islam in the territories of the Former Russian Empire: Encyclopaedic Lexicon. Vol. I / ed. by Stanislav M. Prozorov. [Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи: Энциклопедический словарь. Том I / Составитель и ответственный редактор — С.М.Прозоров; научные консультанты — О.Ф.Акимушкин, В.О.Бобровников, А.Б.Халидов; указатели — А.А.Хисматулин]. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura 2006. 655 p. + fig.


Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи. Энциклопедический словарь. Выпуск 3. Составитель и ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров; Указатели А. А. Хисматулин; Научные консультанты: О. Ф. Акимушкин, А. Б. Халидов. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 2001. — 184 с: ил.

Khalidov A. A Manuscript of an Anthology by al-Ābī // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 2, June 2001. P. 60-63.


Khalidov A. A Kazan Manuscript of Sībawayhi // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 2, June 2000. P. 8-9.


Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи. Энциклопедический словарь. Выпуск 2. Составитель и ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров; Указатели А. А. Хисматулин; Научные консультанты: О. Ф. Акимушкин, В. О. Бобровников, А. Б. Халидов. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 1999. — 167 с: ил.

Khalidov A. An Arabic Composite Manuscript of Tales from the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 1, March 1999. P. 63-69.


Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи. Энциклопедический словарь. Выпуск 1. Составитель и ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров; Указатели А. А. Хисматулин; Научные консультанты: О. Ф. Акимушкин, А. Б. Халидов. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 1998. — 159 с: ил. ISBN 5-02-018047-5


Таджаддин ал-Булгари. Большой Тирйак (Большое противоядие). Издание текста, перевод с арабского, предисловие, комментарий А. Б. Халидова. Казань, 1997

Shikhsayidov A. R., Khalidov A. B. Manuscripts of al-Ghazālīs Works in Daghestan // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 2, June 1997. P. 18-30.


Khalidov A. A Unique 14th Century Literary Anthology Manuscript from Baghdad // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2, No 2, June 1996. Pp. 56-61.


Полосин Вл.В. Словарь поэтов племени ‘абс (VI-VIII вв.). Ответственный редактор А.Б.Халидов. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 1995


Угаритский эпос // Памятники письменности Востока CV. Введение, перевод с угаритского и комментарий И.Ш.Шифмана. Ответственный редактор А.Б.Халидов. М.: «Наука», Издательсская фирма «Восточная литература». 1993.


Арабские рукописи Института Востоковедения. Краткий каталог. Под редакцией А.Б. Xалидова [Составители: С.М. Бациева, А.С. Боголюбов, К.А. Бойко, О.Г. Большаков, П.А. Грязневич, А.И. Михайлова, Л.И. Николаева, С.Б. Певзнер, М.Б. Пиотровский, А.Б. Халидов, Т.А. Шумовский], Часть 1—2, Москва: Издательство «Наука» ГРВЛ, 1986. [Arabic Manuscripts of the Institute of Oriental Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences. Brief Catalogue. Parts 1—2].

Халидов А. Б. Каталог арабских рукописей Института народов Азии АН СССР. Вып. 2: Географические сочинения. М., «Наука», 1986. Т. 1, 257 с., т. 2, 336 с.


al-Shahrastani, Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Karim. The Book on Religions and Sects (Kitab al-milal wa-l-nihal). Vol. 1. [аш-Шахрастани, Мухаммад ибн ‘Абд ал-Карим. Книга о религиях и сектах (Китаб ал-милал ва-н-нихал). Часть 1.] Annotated translation from Arabic, Introduction and Commentaries by S.M.Prozorov. Ed. by Dr A.B.Khalidov. М., 1984. (Письменнные памятники Востока, LXXV.)


Бухарский вакф ХIII в. Факсимиле. Издание текста, перевод с арабского и персидского, введение и комментарий А.К.Арендса, А.Б.Халидова, О.Д.Чехович. М.: Наука. Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1979


Written Monuments of the Orient. Historical and Philological Researches [Письменные памятники Востока. Историко-филологические исследования]. Ed. by L.N.Menshikov, S.B.Pevzner (executive secretary), A.S.Tveritinova (chief), A.B.Khalidov. Annual issue 1972. Moscow, Nauka Publishers 1977.


The Written Monuments of the Orient. Historical and Philological Researches [Письменные памятники Востока. Историко-филологические исследования]. Ed. by L.N.Menshikov, S.B.Pevzner (executive secretary), A.S.Tveritinova (chief), A.B.Khalidov. Annual issue 1971. Moscow, Nauka Publishers 1974.


Азиатский музей - Ленинградское отделение Института востоковедения АН СССР / Редакционная коллегия: А.П.Базиянц, Д.Е.Бертельс (отв. секретарь), Б.Г.Гафуров, А.Н.Кононов (председатель), Е.И.Кычанов, И.М.Оранский, Ю.А.Петросян, Э.Н.Тёмкин, О.Л.Фишман, А.Б.Халидов, И.Ш.Шифман. М.: «Наука», 1972.


Вторая записка Абу Дулафа. Издание текста, перевод, введение и комментарии П.Г.Булгакова и А.Б.Халидова. М.: Издательство восточной литературы, 1960

Халидов А.Б. Каталог арабских рукописей Института народов Азии Академии Наук СССР. Выпуск 1. Художественная проза. Ответственный редактор В.И.Беляев. М.: ИВЛ, 1960.

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