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“Ideology of Traditional China” Conference (information letter) Print E-mail

Information letter

On October 2, 2023 the Department of Far Eastern Studies, IOM RAS will hold the “Ideology of Traditional China” Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Alexander Stepanovich Martynov (1933–2013), an outstanding Russian Sinologist. He was a versatile and thorough scholar whose research interests included classical philology, philosophy, source studies and historiography, literature, intellectual and political culture of China. In many of his works he investigated relations between the imperial centre and non-Chinese periphery in ancient and medieval periods. Some of his studies deal with issues of methodology for research on Chinese imperial ideology. Alexander S. Martynov was proficient in a wide range of texts varying in genre and content. This enabled him to make accurate generalizations about the structure of Chinese spiritual/intellectual culture as expressed in political doctrines, philosophical concepts, literary arts, aesthetics, ritual and religion.

The following topics, related to A.S. Martynov’s research and publications, will be discussed during the Conference:

- Ideology of imperial power in China;
- Issues of ethics and aesthetics in East Asia;
- State and governance in traditional China;
- Views of history and historiographic theories in East Asia;
- History of Confucianism: notable people, currents of thought, schools;
- Confucianism as a philosophical system: concepts, philosophical problems of various schools;
- Current issues in the study of the spiritual/intellectual culture of East Asian countries.

Working language of the Conference: Russian.

Presentation length: 20 minutes (+ 10 minutes for discussion).

To participate in the Conference, please send your application by September 10, 2023 to the following email:

The application should include the following information:

- Full name
- Academic degree, academic title
- Place of work and position
- Phone number
- Email
- Presentation title and abstract (2000 characters maximum)

Organizing Committee:

Irina F. Popova, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Director of the IOM RAS
Tatyana A. Pang, Candidate of Sciences in History, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Anthony E. Terekhov, Candidate of Sciences in History
Olga A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Candidate of Sciences in History, secretary of the Organizing Committee

Last Updated ( 06/07/2023 )
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