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Conference “Tangut Studies: Prospects and Problems for the 21st Century” (information letter) Print E-mail
Information letter

Tangut Studies: Prospects and Problems for the 21st Century
In Memory of Professor Evgeny Kychanov (1932–2013)

International Conference
June 23–24, 2022
St Petersburg, Russia

organized by the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences

In the century since the legendary discovery of the Dead City of Khara-Khoto (Inner Mongolia, China) by Pyotr Kozlov (1863–1935) in 1908, the Tangut Studies have developed into a field of research with its own historical background, resources, and methods. Studies on Tangut heritage have influenced all aspects of research on the medieval period of history of Central Asia and China and contributed to a better understanding of social life, history, literature and culture of the region as a whole. Scholars from many countries have contributed to the development of this important academic field, and the works of Russian, Chinese and Japanese researchers have been of particular importance for Tangut Studies.

In the 1930s, Nikolai Alexandrovich Nevsky (1892–1937), the founder of Russian Tangut Studies and the author of the world’s first Tangut dictionary, worked with the manuscript collection from
Khara-Khoto in Leningrad. The work of Nikolai A. Nevsky was continued in the 1950s by the Tangut group at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies. For many years this group was headed by the outstanding tangutologist, sinologist, historian of Central Asia Evgeny Ivanovich Kychanov (1932–2013). This Conference is dedicated to his 90th anniversary.

Evgeny I. Kychanov has made an outstanding contribution to development of Tangut Studies around the world. His academic interests were extremely wide, he was the author of fundamental works on the history of statehood, law, ethnogenesis, ideology of the Tanguts and the peoples of China and Central Asia, and he introduced for scientific use Tangut written records of immense complexity. Many works of Evgeny I. Kychanov became milestones that influenced future development of Tangut Studies in the world.

Topics to be discussed in this Conference:

1. Significance of the works of Evgeny I. Kychanov for world Tangut studies.
2. Significance of Tangut studies for research on China and Central Asia. Main academic prospects, approaches, and methods.
3. Tangut written sources on the history, society, culture, and religion of China and Central Asia.
4. Methods of research, publication, commenting and translating Tangut manuscripts. Textual studies, critical analysis of sources, paleography.
5. Prospects and problems of cataloguing manuscripts from Central Asia. Latest databases, virtual archives.
6. History of Tangut studies.

The working languages of the Conference are Russian, English, and Chinese.

Participation in person and remote participation via videoconferencing are available as options. Please submit your abstract (150 words) and personal information (name, affiliation, postal address, academic position, e-mail address) in English to the following emails: and before June 1, 2022.

Last Updated ( 28/05/2022 )
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