Discussion of the collective monograph edited by N.V. Yampolskaya and N.S. Yakhontova |
10/11/2021 |
The following collective monograph was submitted for review to the Department of Central and South Asia, IOM RAS:
The “Sutra of the White Old Man” in the Clear Script. Analysis, Translation, Transliteration, Commentary, Facsimilia / N. S. Yakhontova, N. V. Yampolskaya (Eds.).
[«Сутра Белого Старца» на «ясном письме»: Исследование, перевод, транслитерация, комментарий, факсимиле / Под редакцией Наталии Васильевны Ямпольской, Наталии Сергеевны Яхонтовой.]
This collective monograph includes the publication and study of Oirat manuscripts of the ritual text “Sutra of the White Old Man”. |
Last Updated ( 10/11/2021 )