The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by Dr Y.Kroll |
07/03/2012 |
On February 20, 2012, at the Far Eastern Studies Seminar organized by the Department of Far Eastern Studies of the IOM RAS, Dr Yury L. Kroll, leading researcher at the IOM RAS, submitted his presentation, On the Issue of the Study of Some Linear Ideas in ‘Shih chi’ by Ssu-ma Ch’ien [К вопросу об изучении линейных представлений в „Ши цзи“].
In his presentation, Dr Y. Kroll noticed that most scholars who had studied the perception of time in traditional China had described it as cyclic while J. Needham had tried to prove presence of both linear and cyclic conceptions and even predominance of the linear one in China. Dr J. Kroll showed that the author of ‘Shih chi’, Ssu-ma Ch’ien, had used some linear ideas in his treatise and they were essential for the full understanding of his historical approach. First of all, it concerns Chinese conception of the clans, especially influential clans such as those of ruling dynasties. The view of Ssu-ma Ch’ien was that the rulers of China, descendants of the legendary Huang Di, reigned in both time composed of cycles such as cycles of the Five Phases and Three Dynasties, and time moving directly from the epoch of Huang Di located ‘above’ towards the Qin and early Han periods located ‘below’.PHOTOS Dr Yury L. Kroll submits his presentation 
During the discussion 
Participants of the seminar  |