Monograph: The History of the Ancient and Medieval States adjacent to China (from the Huns to the Manchu) |
23/03/2011 |
A new monograph is added: Kychanov Е.I. The History of the Ancient and Medieval States adjacent to China (from the Huns to the Manchu) [История приграничных с Китаем древних и средневековых государств (от гуннов до маньчжуров)]. 2nd ed., rev. and suppl. St. Petersburg: Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg, 2010. 364 p. (Series „Nomadica"). 'Аннотация', 'Предисловие ко второму изданию', 'Предисловие к первому изданию', 'Summary', 'Содержание' are published as a *.PDF file. Read more... |
Last Updated ( 23/03/2011 )