Meeting of the Academic Council - Movember 11, 2009 |
28/11/2009 |
On November 11, 2009, at the meeting of the Academic Council Acad Dr Vladimir M. Alpatov (Moscow) gave a report entitled Japanese Language Culture. Myths and Reality [Японская языковая культура. Мифы и реальность]. - The scholar characterized some factors of the historical cultural distinctness of the Japanese language such as the stability of area populated by its native speakers, continuence of the historical path and steadiness of linguistic tradition. They resulted in the language conservation.
- Japanese reflection on foreign influences in the language area is rather nationalistic. The Chinese words by origin are not recognized as borrowed ones in common perception. There was developed a notion on the Japanese language as specific, non-available for foreigners' understanding. Languages of the national minorities such as Chinese or Korean, are not integreted into the national language reality.
- Japanese cultural myth about the Japanese exclusiveness has its correlate in the mythologized conception of the national language. The objective scholar should remember about it when starting research into both Japanese and the Japanese linguistic conceptions.