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 Date Item Title Hits
28/01/2019 PPV 15/2 (33), 2018 1300
11/01/2019 Monograph: The Development of the Babi/Baha’i Communities: Exploring Baron Rosen’s Archives. The Development of the Babi/Baha’i Communities: Exploring Baron Rosen’s Archives 1449
21/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica IX 1260
18/12/2018 Monograph: Brush and Qalam. 200 Years of the collection 1497
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXX — renewal 1612
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXIX 1233
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXVIII 1232
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXVII 1227
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXVI — renewal 1414
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXV — renewal 1246
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXIV — renewal 1132
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXIII — renewal 1090
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXII 1586
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXI. Pt. 2 — renewal 1041
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XXI. Pt. 1 — renewal 1014
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XX — renewal 1030
17/12/2018 Monograph: TBibliotheca Buddhica XIX — renewal 983
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XVIII 960
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XVII 1053
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XVI 986
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XV 908
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XIV 886
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XIII 978
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XII 963
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XI — renewal 961
17/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica X 970
16/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica VIII — renewal 1080
16/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica VII — renewal 908
16/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica VI 886
16/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica V 999
15/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica IV 985
15/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica III. Vol. 2 1005
15/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica III. Vol. 1 976
15/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica II 1008
15/12/2018 Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica I 1164
09/12/2018 Monograph: Pearls from the Chinese Collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS 1030
06/12/2018 Monograph: Islam in the Territories of the Former Russian Empire: Encyclopedic lexicon: Vol. II 1089
06/12/2018 Monograph: Proofs of the Divine creation and purposefulness of the world (Kitab al-Adilla ‘ala’l-khalq wa’l-tabdir) 1077
03/12/2018 Monograph: Jadamba. Eight Mongolian Translations of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā sutra 1449
25/10/2018 Paper: The Āli-kāli Trilingual Syllabary Brought by D. G. Messerschmidt from Siberia and Edited by G. S. Bayer in the 1720s 1477
10/09/2018 Monograph: Mongolica-XX 1643
14/05/2018 Monograph: Countries and Peoples of the East. Vol. XXXVII. The State in the East 1437
08/05/2018 WMO, 1(7), 2018 1517
08/05/2018 Paper: [Review:] Indische Handschriften. Teil 19. Die Śāradā-Handschriften der Sammlung Janert der Staatsbibliothek — Preußischer Kulturbesitz 1781
07/05/2018 WMO, 2(6), 2017 1327
07/05/2018 Paper: [Review:] Mitteliranische Handschriften. Teil 2: Berliner Turfanfragmente buddhistischen Inhalts in soghdischer Schrift 1544
07/05/2018 Paper: [Review:] The Kurdish Dialect Gorani. A Grammatical Description 1969
07/05/2018 PPV 15/1 (32), 2018 1457
18/04/2018 Monograph: Miniatures of the St. Petersburg Manuscript of the ‘Maqamat’ of al-Hariri 3716
14/04/2018 Monograph: The St. Petersburg Muraqqa‘... 3788
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