Abdullaeva F. and Rezvan E. [Review:] Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, Sofia, Bulgaria. Ḥadīth Sciences. Compiled by Stoyanka Kenderova. London: al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1995, 459 pp., with 8 Plates // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2. No. 2. June 1996. P. 64—65.
Since last five years Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation
proved to have been one of the most effective structures
in the world doing a lot to support cataloguing, restoration,
research and publication of Islamic manuscripts.
One can mention the success of the publication of fourvolume
“World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts” (the final
volume of English edition appeared in 1994, the Arabic one
will be published in 1996). Following this project the
Foundation has initiated a program to bring to light the
contents of so far uncatalogued collections of Islamic
manuscripts. Al-Furqān has already published handlists of
the Library of Makkah al-Mukarramah and several private
libraries in Yemen. The Foundation supporting activities in
this field were a success in Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria
and Senegal or are near to be successfully terminated by the
publication of the catalogues and handlists of several important
public and private collections. The expansion of the
handlisting work with the financial support of the Foundation
is expected to take place in Benin, Chad, Guinea,
Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Sudan, Togo, the Republic of
South Africa, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Albania, and Pakistan.
The full catalogues of the collections in Byelorussia,
Lithuania and Tatarstan are being prepared now as well.
The work under review has also been done within this important
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4—6 декабря 2023 г. в ИВР РАН пройдет Ежегодная научная сессия «Письменное наследие Востока как основа классического востоковедения». |