Polosin Val. & Rezvan E. The Asiatic Museum Project: 1. Data-Base on Muslim Seals // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 2, October 1995. P. 53—55.
The St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental
Studies, Academy of Sciences, Russia, is the oldest center
for oriental studies in the country. Its history dates back to
November 11 (23) , 1818. when the Asiatic Museum was
founded within the framework of the Russian Imperial
Academy of Sciences.
The St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental
Studies is famous today for its collection of ancient and
medieval oriental MSS, the largest in the Russian Federation.
It can only be compared to the collections of the British
Library and Bibliothèque Nationale. The collection includes
30 funds, the total amount of MSS is 85 thousand
units. Here one can find texts produced in the Near, Middle
and Far East. as well as from Innermost and South
Eastern Asia, written in sixty languages and dialects on
different sorts of paper, parchment, leather, palm leaf,
birch bark, wood, metal, stone - practically on all materials
ever used for writing. Some of the funds of the collection
of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental
Studies are unique or very rare. Among them there are
the collections of Tangut secular and Buddhist MSS, Old-Khwarezmian
business documents, the best European collection
of the Tibetan MSS and block-printed books, MSS
representing the written tradition of the Karaites of the
Crimea, a collection of Muslim MSS created in the late
Middle Ages in the regions of the Volga river. the Caucasus
and Central Asia.
In August 1992, according to the results of an open
competition, the Ministry of Science. High School and
Technology of the Russian Federation took the decision to
start sponsoring the project “Asiatic Museum” presented
by the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental
Studies. The aim of the project is to produce a data-base on
the MSS collection of the Institute as a part of the future net of data-bases to be created in the principal museums
and research centers of St. Petersburg. For some time the “Asiatic Museum” project was sponsored by the Russian
Foundation for Fundamental Researches...
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