Iwao K., Zorin A. Secular Fragments of Tibetan Texts Found at the Main Dunhuang Collection Kept at the IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. No. 1(11), 2020. P. 103—116.
The paper introduces twelve fragments of secular texts in Tibetan found in
the main collection of Dunhuang manuscripts preserved in the IOM, RAS. In regard
of each fragment a physical description, provisional notes on their contents, digital copy
and transliteration are provided. Since all the fragments are very short our identifications
of the texts are just tentative. One of them, Дх-7759, relates to the divination with dice.
The others are fragments of letters, economic documents, etc.
21-22 апреля 2025 г. состоится Седьмая международная конференция «Культурное наследие монголов: рукописные и архивные собрания» при поддержке Президента Монголии.