Lundysheva O. Tocharian B Manuscripts in the Berezovsky Collection (2): Five More Fragments // Written Monuments of the Orient. No. 2(10), 2019. P. 49—78.
This article is a full edition of five Tocharian B manuscripts kept in the Berezovsky
sub-collection of the Serindia Collection of the IOM, RAS: two Sanskrit-Tocharian
В Bilingual Udānavarga fragments (Uv. 1.26b–1.34a, Uv. 4.23b–4.34c); a Sanskrit-
Tocharian В Bilingual Karmavācanā (Upasaṃpadā) fragment, one fragment of a jātaka
and one fragment of a stotra previously erroneously identified as Udānastotra. The
article contains a transliteration, transcription, tentative translation as well as a commentary
on the text of the fragments.
29 января 2025 г. (в среду) в 16.00 Лекторий ИВР РАН приглашает на презентацию и мастер-класс Л.И. Крякиной «Основные виды конструкций дальневосточной книги».