Prozorov S. Prophet Muhammad in the Sufi Tradition as the Perfect Manifestation of Mystical Love of God // East and West: Common Spiritual Values, Scientific-Cultural Links. International Ibn al-Arabi Symposium dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Aida Imanguliyeva (9-11 October, 2009 – Baku). Istanbul: Insan Pulications, 2010. P. 559-576.
This article is based on the unique Arabic manuscript (207 fols.) of Lawami' anwar al-qulub fi jam' asrar al-muhibb wa-'l-mahbub, “The flashes of the hearts' lights in the collection of mysteries of the Lover and the Beloved”. This book was written by al-qadi al-imam Abu 'l-Ma'ali 'Azizi b. 'Abd al-Malik b. Mansur al-Jili (al-Gilani), known as Shaydhala (d. 494/1100), who was a Sufi and ascetic (zahid), Shafi'i faqih (a follower of the school of Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi, d. 476/1083), an admonishing preacher (wa'iz), mutakallim, connoisseur and collector of Arabic poetry and short stories (hikayat), and an author of numerous books (tasanif, musannafat) on admonishing preaching (al-wa'z), jurisprudence (al-fiqh), and foundations of faith (usul al-din). Born in Gilan (hence his nisba), Shaydhala moved to Baghdad where he took the office of qadi (wali 'l-quda') in the quarter of Bab al-Azaj and later became the Chief qadi (qadi ‘l qudat) of Baghdad in the wake of Abu Bakr al-Shaml….. PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
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22 мая 2024 г. (среда) в 14:00 состоится заседание Ученого Совета, на котором будет заслушан доклад c.н.с., Ph.D. Н.В. Ямпольской «Маргиналии как ключ к реконструкции процесса работы скрипториев в Монголии XVII века». |