Petrosyan I. On Three Turkish Manuscripts from the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies Collection. The Problem of Authorship // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 1, July 1995. P. 17—20.
In the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies manuscript collection there are three Turkish manuscripts so far identified as works by anonymous authors. Two of them are of the same contents and, in the opinion of the authors of the catalogue of the Institute's Turkish manuscript collection, present the work translated into German by W. F. A. Behrnauer. This work contains a collection of counsels which seem to be addressed to a person of the highest rank, to the Sultan himself. One of these two manuscripts (call number С 2339), bears the title Nasîhat al-mülûk (Counsels for Sultans). There is also a later note, most probably by the owner of the manuscript, — “Merhûm ve mağfûrla sultan saadetiyle tahta geçtikte işbu kanûnnâmeyi verdiler” (“When the late Sultan Ibrahim, whose sins are forgiven, luckily ascended the throne, he granted these state regulations”)...
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