Lundin A., Frantsouzoff S. An Inscribed Sabaean Bronze Altar from The British Museum // Петербургское востоковедение. Выпуск 9. СПб.: Центр «Петербургское Востоковедение», 1997. С. 384—391.
In July 1994 the authors of the present paper during their visit to the
British Museum noted a fragmentary South Arabian bronze altar which bore a
very interesting Sabaic text, and were surprised to discover that this inscribed
artifact remained practically unknown to specialists on ancient Yemen. Only
two rather short descriptions of this altar with some remarks on the contents of
the inscription cast on it have appeared until now. The permit for its
publication kindly granted by the British Museum gave an opportunity to
introduce a new iconographic and epigraphic source on early Sabaean religion
into the field of South Arabian studies. Though the exact provenance of this
bronze altar has not been ascertained, it seems to come from Marib, capital of
the Sabaean state mentioned in the epigraphy under the names of MRYB andMRB. In 1970 both fragments of the altar were auctioned at Christies and
were purchased by the British Museum in rather poor condition because of
strong oxidation (pl. I). By 1973, however, they had been cleaned in the
Museum’s Research Laboratory “with most excellent results”...
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