Vinogradova T. [Review:] Botschaften an die Götter: religiöse Handschriften der Yao; Südchina, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, hrsg. von Th. O. Höllman, M. Friedrich. München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 1999, 96 pp., Ill. Ausstellungskataloge, 71 // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6. No. 2. June 2000. P. 69—70.
The book under review here is a catalogue of an exhibition
of Yao manuscripts from the collection of the Bavarian
State Library, which took place in Munich between
November 4 and December 22, 1999. According to its
compilers. the edition is somewhat of a compromise between
a catalogue and a monograph. The Munich collection
of Yao manuscripts — among the largest in the world -
contains approximately one thousand manuscripts from
various periods. The so-called “Yao project” has received
separate financing for more than four years; this exhibition
represented the first result of that work...