Vinogradova T. [Review:] Catalogue of Tangut Buddhist Texts at the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Oriental Studies. Compiled by E. I. Kychanov, introductory article by Nishida Tatsuo, edition prepared by S. Arakawa. Kyoto: University of Kyoto, 1999, XLIX, 742 pp., ill. // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6. No. 1. March 2000. P. 71—72.
With more than 8,000 items, the collection of Tangut manuscripts
and xylographs at the St. Petersburg Branch of the
Institute of Oriental Studies is the largest in the world. It is
also the only collection of Tangut texts which come from
the Xi Xia state (928–1227). Other collections of Tangut
texts contain either xylographs published in China, after
Chingis Khan’s conquering Xi Xia and the state's subsequent
collapse, or scattered individual fragments of manuscripts
and xylographs. The collection was acquired by the
Asiatic Museum (today the St. Petersburg Branch of the
Institute of Oriental Studies) in 1910 after the expedition of
P. K. Kozlov (1863–1935) to the South Gobi in 1908–
1909, where a famous suburgan on the outskirts of the dead
city of Khara Khoto was discovered and excavated...
4 марта 2024 г. (понедельник) в 14:00 состоится заседание Ученого Совета, на котором будет заслушан доклад г.н.с., д.и.н. Т.Д. Скрынниковой «Возрождение имперских амбиций у монголов XVII в. на материале Altan Tobči».