Kalinina K., Shishkova E. Some Aspects of Investigation and Conservation of Glue Painting on Paper from Khara Khoto // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6. No. 1. March 2000. P. 37—44.
The Hermitage has at its disposal a large collection of
Chinese Buddhist pieces of art of different painting schools
and of different periods. In particular, the collection
includes the unique items found during the 1908-1909
excavations of the famous suburgan near the dead city
of Khara Khoto in Northwest China. These objects originate
from the Tangut state Xi Xia (982–1227) which was
destroyed by Mongolian troops of Genghis Khan. The
excavations began on the initiative of the Russian Imperial
Geographic Society and were carried out under the guidance
of the outstanding explorer of Central Asia
P. K. Kozlov...
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