Chunakova O.M. The Verb in the Sogdian Language (manuscripts from Eastern Turkestan and Dunhuang kept at the IOM RAS). — Saint Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2024. — 112 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-2249-9, DOI 10.48612/IVRRAN/kn5f-x223-9fzb
The monograph “The Verb in the Sogdian Language (manuscripts from Eastern Turkestan and Dunhuang kept at the IOM RAS)” contains morphological analysis and classification of 520 verbal forms found in previously unstudied Sogdian manuscripts of the Serindia and Dunhuang collections at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. The study shows unique features of the Sogdian verbal system that retains a complex structure of forms expressing how actions relate to reality, moment of speech, aspect, subject and object of speech. It is demonstrated that the Sogdian language preserved Old Persian forms, such as imperfect and injunctive, and acquired the innovative form of irrealis and also the potentialis that covered all tenses and moods.
It is expected that the results of the verbal system analysis based on manuscripts from the IOM RAS collections will contribute to further research on peculiar features of the Sogdian verb and will serve as a foundation for a typological, diachronic and synchronic outline of the Sogdian verb system and a grammar of the Sogdian language.
Research seminar dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of Iosef M. Oranski (1923–1977) will be held on Monday, 24 April 2023 in the Green Hall (IOM RAS). The seminar program is now available.