Qazi Ahmad b. Husayn al-Husayni al-Qumi. Tract on the calligraphers and painters [Кази Ахмад б. Хусайн ал-Хусайни Куми. Трактат о каллиграфах и художниках]. Tr. from Persian, with appendices and notes by O. F. Akimushkin. Ed. by B. V. Norik. Moscow: Sadra Publishers 2016. 486 p. [Klassika vostokovedeniya]. ISBN 978-5-906859-94-5.
In 1947 prof. B. Zakhoder published a Russian translation of Qazi Ahmad Ibrahimi Qumi’s “Tract on the calligraphers and painters”. 12 years later an English translation of the same work accomplished by prof. V. Minorsky appeared in Washington. This brilliant work immediately attracted attention of specialists who from that time have been using it in their researches on minia¬ture, calligraphy and art of the handwritten book. The facts that the “Tract” contains, expanded our knowledge about the scale of bookmaking, proved the popularity of the decorated book in Iran and adjacent countries and showed that creators of manuscripts were in great esteem...
The Annual IOM Academic Session “The Written Heritage of the Orient as the Basis for Classical Tradition of Oriental Studies” will be held on December 4–6, 2023. The program of the Session is now available.