Popova I.F. Pearls from the Chinese Collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. St. Petersburg: Kvarta, 2018. 159 p., ill.
ISBN 978-5-89609-531-6.
With this art album, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the main
center for studying and storing Oriental manuscripts of old-printed books in Russia, introduces to a wide readership
and admirers of antiquity the pearls of Chinese Collections. They are precisely chosen pearls, since the
extensive Chinese language Collection in the Institute comprises the Dunhuang Collection (20,000 storage
units), The Chinese NOVA Collection (about 500 titles), the Chinese Rubbings Collection and the Chinese Xylographica
Collection (3,768 titles). The edition is dedicated to the significant event of our history – the 200th
anniversary of the Institute, which was founded as the Asiatic Museum on November 11 (23), 1818.PDF-files Contents, Preface, The Chinese Xylographica Collection, The Dunhuang Collection, The Chinese NOVA Collection
Keywords Chinese block prints Chinese manuscripts
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