"The New Laws"of the Tangut State (the first quarter of the 13th Century) [«Новые законы» тангутского государства (первая четверть XIII в.)] / Ed. and tr. from Tangut by E.I.Kychanov. Moscow, Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura 2013. 501 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka; CXL.)
"The New Laws" is an important document of Tangut legislation that contains 17 chapters
and was compiled in the first quarter of the 13th century as an addition to the Code that was
in force under the reigning motto “Celestial Prosperity” (1149-1169) in the Tangut state of
Hsi Hsia. It is a major source on the history of Central Asia, China and the Hsi Hsia state.
The present publication comprises a Russian translation of the document from the Tangut
language (the first translation of this text ever made in the world), an introductory article,
commentaries, as well as a facsimile of the Tangut text. On the basis of disjointed handwritten chapters and their numerous fragments housed in the Tangut Collection of the Institute
of Oriental Manuscripts (RAS), a maximally completest text of the document was restored,
from which the translation was made. The introductory article and the commentaries
on the translation describe the function, form and nature of the published text, expound the
problems of the administrative structure, rank system of bureaucrats and civil servants, legal
regulation and economic activity in the Tangut state.PDF-files Аннотация, Оглавление, Введение, Summary
Keywords "The New Laws" Tangut legislation Tangut manuscripts Xi Xia
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