Sultanov T. Turkic Versions of the “Tārīkh-i Rashīdī” in the Manuscript Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 4, December 1997. P. 17-29.
In terms of its content and literary fate, the Tārīkh-i Rashīdī by Mīrzā (Muhammad) Haydar Dūghlāt (1500—1551) is one of the most interesting texts in the history of sixteenth-century historical literature in the Persian language. The manuscript tradition associated with the Tārīkh-i Rashīdī is quite rich and diverse. Judging by available catalogues and research, at present there are more than thirty known copies of Mīrzā Haydar Dūghlāt's work. The autograph copy remains undiscovered. Surviving copies of the Persian original of the Tārīkh-i Rashīdī are not always complete and display certain discrepancies. In sum, however, they make possible a reconstruction of the entire text. The Tārīkh-i Rashīdī gained especial fame and authority both with the generations of Muslim readers in close chronological proximity to the author, as well as with later readers. Eloquent testimony to the popularity of Mīrzā Haydar's work is provided not only by the number of manuscripts of the Persian original, the frequent recitations and significant excerpts from the Tārīkh-i Rashīdī employed by Muslim authors in their writings on the history of Moghulistan, East Turkestan and North India, but also by Turkic translations of this work. The latter date back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and bear witness to the long-term influence of the Tārīkh-i Rashīdī…