Akimushkin O. Textological Studies and the “Critical Text” Problem // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 2, October 1995. Pp. 22-28.
Modern textology is based upon the historical method. It means that we must take into account, that any document appearing in certain social and historical environment, comes to us changed by different corrections, alterations or comments made by book-owners, copyists and editors (who, sometimes unconsciously but in some cases deliberately, changed the text, answering the social demands of their time). The whole life of a document till the appearance of its last variant, as we get it, should be considered in the aspect of its historical environment, its social, political and ideological atmosphere, the circumstances of its author's life, as well as the lives of its later modificators and 'co-authors'. True is the statement made by D. S. Likhachev, that “the history of any text is, to some extent, the history of its creators”...PDF-files The entire paper
Keywords critical text Dmitry S. Likhachev Manuscripta Orientalia, selected papers Persian literature textology
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