Mongolica-VII. Ed. by I.V.Kulganek (chief), L.G.Skorodumova, N.S.Yakhontova. St Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie Publishers 2007. 144 p.
This book is the seventh volume of collected articles (all in Russian), Mongolica, which is the only regularly publication in the Russian Federation specially dealing with Mongolian studies. Its authors are mainly well-known scholars from St. Petersburg and Moscow but those from other regions are always welcome.
Traditionally each volume is devoted to a particular event, problem or anniversary. The seventh Mongolica is dedicated to 100th anniversary of D. Nacagdordge. D. Nacagdordge (1906—1937) was an outstanding Mongolian politician and at the same time an eminent poet and playwright, translator and writer. His life was short but eventful. The number of his literary works is not large but they were of great importance for further generations of Mongolian poets. Actually he was the founder of a new Mongolian literature which combined both folk traditions and new realistic trends. The highest literary award in modern Mongolia bears his name.
Articles in the first part of Mongolica cover his life story (laid out profoundly by K.N. Yatskovskaya), a genre analysis of one of his most famous stories Lama’s tears (made by L.K. Gerasimovich), literary trends which can be traced in his poetry: mythological (analyzed by L.D. Skorodumova) and shamanist (by L.S. Dampilova).
The second part of the book deals with the Mongolian literature as well covering different topics from modem literature (M.P. Petrova) to epic Geser (B.S. Dugarov) and folklore magtal poetry (K.A. Edleyeva). The authors eliminate new facts and genre classifications. Two other articles in this part are more of ethnographical nature. The first is about the development of the West Buriat folk dance yokhor (by D.A. Nikolayeva) the second is the description of the traditional Mongolian costume (by late L. Nansalma).
The articles in the third part cover historical and his-toriographical subjects. Prof. E.I. Kychanov shows how a well-known story The massacre of the Innocents was transformed by Mongolian chroniclers. A new reason for unification of Mongolian tribes is given by N.A. Lifanov. After having been conquered by Batu-khan Russian principalities had to show their loyalty to the new authorities. The way they did it is described by A.D. Yurchenko. Some rudiments of ecological laws are stated to exist in the Medieval Mongolian Law (by Yu.I. Drobyshev). A description of manuscript collection of A.V. Popov is presented by V.L. Uspenskiy.
In the seventh issue of Mongolica one can find some archive materials: publication of M.I. Klagina-Kondratyeva's diaries (by K.N.Yatskovskaya) and A.D. Simukov’s letters to the Kozlovs (by T.I. Yusupova).
Every Mongolica publishes translations from Mongolian into Russian. In this volume there are D. Nacagdordge poems translated by M. I. Sinelnikov and S.B. Yevstafyev and modem Mongolian stories translated by M.P. Petrova and L.G. Skorodumova.
Mongolica 7 gives information about scholarly events in 2006 dealing with Mongolian studies.
The book is of interest to Mongolists and Orientalists. PDF-files Аннотация, Содержание, Предисловие, Summary
Keywords Mongolica, annotations
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