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Anastasia Mikhailovna

Junior Researcher at the IOM RAS
Master's degree in Asian and African Studies

In 2015 she was admitted to the Faculty of Asian and African Studies of the Saint Petersburg State University where she studied at the Department of History of the Near East specializing on the history of Iran and Afghanistan.

Under the supervision of Grigoryev S.E. and then Vodneva O.A. she examined English-language sources on the history of Afghanistan. Graduation thesis topic: “Memoirs by those who took part in the First Anglo-Afghan War as a source on Afghanistan history of the first half of the 19th century”.

In 2019, after obtaining her Bachelor’s degree, she entered the Master’s program at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies of the Saint Petersburg State University and studied at the Department of Theory of Social Development of Asian and African Countries. Under the supervision of Vodneva O.A. she completed the Master’s thesis titled “Memoirs by witnesses of the First Anglo-Afghan War (1838‒1842) as a source on the history, culture and ethnography of Afghanistan in the 19th century”.

In 2021 she was admitted to the IOM RAS postgraduate studies program (specialization 46.00.00 History and archaeology). Her dissertation research topic is “Persian manuscript Waqi’at-i Kashmir (The Events of Kashmir) by Muhammad A’zam Didamari (d. 1765) as a source on the history of Kashmir” (research supervisor: Vodneva O.A.).

In 2020‒2023 she participated in the project “Attribution of medieval Persian and Afghan poetic works using digital stylometry methods” (RFBR grant).

Main research interests: history of the Greater Iran, Persian-language manuscript tradition.


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The international conference “Seventh St. Petersburg readings in Mongolian Studies” will be held at the IOM RAS on October 2–3, 2024. The conference program is now available.

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