Sergey Yuryevich
Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - History
Vradiy Sergey Yu. [born 3.02.1955, Golaya Pristan, Ukraine], orientalist, specialist in modern China history, translator.
Graduate (1982) from the History of the Far Eastern Countries Chair of the Oriental Faculty of the Leningrad (St Petersburg) State University, specializing in the history of China.
Lecturer in the Oriental Faculty (Oriental Institute) FENU / FEFU (1982 - present). 1980–1981 trained at the Chinese Language Center of Nanyang University (Singapore). 2002–2003 — Visiting Professor at Zhengzhi State University (Taipei, Taiwan). From 2004 — leading research fellow in the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Far Eastern People, Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern branch (Vladivostok).
In 1988 completed his postgraduate studies at the Oriental department of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University under the guidance of Professor L.A. Berezny. Ph. D. in History (1988), the topic Lin Zexu and the emergence of new tendencies in social thought of China in the mid-19th century.
Research interests: oriental studies; history of China, Korea, Japan; the history of Chinese social thought in modern times; history of Russian-Chinese relations; modern international relations of the countries of the Pacific region. Participates in the description and cataloging of the collection of rare Chinese and Korean books of the Central Scientific Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch.
Author of 200 academic and journalistic works, including three individual monographs. Translated and commented on a 19th century Chinese source, one of the first among those published in China and dedicated to Russia: Lin Zexu (1996). Osnovniye svedeniya o Rossiyskom gosudarstve [Fundamental Information about the Russian State]. Transl. into Russian, comments, append. Vladivostok: Izdatelstvo Dalnevostochnogo Universiteta [Far Eastern University Publ. House]. Published a full translation of the text, comments on a unique Korean document of the 19th century, an important source of information on the history of early period of Russia-Korea relations, the first Korean description of the Russian Far East: “Karta Rossii”: Koreiskiy istochnik XIX v. = “The Map of Russia” 俄國輿地圖 – XIX century Korean Manuscript / transl. from Chinese, commentaries and suppl. by Vradiy S.Yu. Vladivostok: IHAE FEB RAS, 2016. 160 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-7442-1578-1. Together with Moscow and St. Petersburg sinologists, translated from Chinese into Russian the 4-volume History of Chinese Civilization, published by Peking University: History of Chinese Civilization: in 4 vols. / Ch. editorial board Yuan Xingpei and others; transl. ed. I.F. Popova. Moscow: “Chance” LLC International Publishing Company, 2020. ISBN 978-5-907277-68-7.
Literature about S. Yu. Vradiy: Miliband S. D. Vradiy S.Yu. // Orientalists of Russia. XX – early XXI century. Biobibliographic dictionary in 2 books. Book. 1. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, 2008. P. 278–279.
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