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Alexey Yurievich

Researcher at the IOM RAS

Date and place of birth: April 26, 1986 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia.

Until 1997 - went to school in Kronstadt (St. Petersburg, Russia).

2004 – finished secondary school in Vancouver (Canada).

2004-2008 – Bachelor of Arts in Asian Language and Culture (Honours) and Linguistics (Minor), University of British Columbia, Canada

2008-2010 – Master of Arts in Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
Dissertation topic: “Interaction between characters in Heike monogatari dialogues: language forms and functions.” MA Thesis, 2010.

2010-2018 – Doctor of Philosophy in Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
Dissertation topic (supervised by Prof. Christina Laffin): “Discussing the Tale of the Heike in the Edo period: didactic commentaries as guides to wise rule for warrior-officials.” PhD Thesis, 2018.

2013-2014 – Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship, Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo, Japan).

2014-2017 – teaching Japanese language and literature courses at the University of British Columbia.

Since 2018 – teaching Japanese and Korean history and Japanese language at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Saint-Petersburg, Russia).

Since April 1, 2021 – researcher at the Department of Far eastern studies, IOM RAS.

Research interests: medieval Japanese war tales (gunki monogatari) and related commentaries, Japanese intellectual history (medieval and Edo-period warriors), premodern Japanese literature, Japanese manuscript culture, history of writing and paleography.

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Lushchenko Alexey Y. Materials for Five Textbooks of Japanese Cursive Writing (USSR, 1946–1971): Text, Translation, Vocabulary [Материалы к 5 пособиям по японской скорописи (СССР, 1946–1971): текст, перевод, словарь] / A.Y. Lushchenko; The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. — Saint Petersburg: Art-Express, 2024. — 438 p., ill. ISBN 978-5-4391-0947-0


Lushchenko Alexey. Japanese Guides to Epistolary Writing: Five Manuals of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries [Японские письмовники: 5 пособий конца XIX – начала XX вв.] / A.Yu. Lushchenko; Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. — Saint Petersburg: Art-Express, 2023. — 580 p., ill. ISBN 978-5-4391-0878-7


Lushchenko A. The Heike Monogatari Hyōban Hidenshō Commentary in the Edo Period: Discussion, Criticism, and Education // Written Monuments of the Orient. Vol. 7, No. 2(14), 2021. P. 148–171.


Lushchenko A. Japanese Didactic Gunsho Commentaries in the Edo Period: A Study of a 17th c. Commentary on the Heike Monogatari // Written Monuments of the Orient. Vol. 6, No. 2(12), 2020. P. 93—113.

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