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Anastasia Aleksandrovna

Junior Researcher at the IOM RAS
Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - Culturology
Born on September 15, 1983, in Vladivostok, Russia. In St. Petersburg, finished the Konstantinovsky classical school No. 85 (Gymnasium of grand duke Konstantin K. Romanov). In 2005, graduated from the Department of Culturology at the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Art, in 2010, from the Department of Foreign Art (Oriental art) at the I. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

In 2005, with the assistance of the Ministry of Indian Home Affairs took the NIIT academic training in Delhi (English and PC systems). In 2005-2009, studied the Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy at the Takten Labrang Educational Centre of the Ninth Bogd Khalkha Jetsun Damba Rinpoche. At the same time, studied the Tibetan language, Buddhist philosophy and Sanskrit at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala, India).

In 2010-2016, postgraduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. In 2006, 2011, 2012, 2016, visited Bodhgaya, India where gathered data on the Mahābodhi temple. In June 21, 2016 defended the PhD dissertation entitled “The Mahābodhi Complex: Restoration, Reconstruction and Attribution of Iconographic Material” [“Музейный комплекс Махабодхи: история реставрации, реконструкции и атрибуции иконографического материала”].

In 2016, started researching the history of the dGa' ldan snyan rgyud and dbEn sa snyan rgyud transmission lines in the medieval Tibet.

In 2017, worked at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts as a junior researcher at the Department of manuscripts and documents.

Participated in various academic conferences, including Dorjiev conference (2004, 2016), Oriental conference of memory of O.O.Rosenberg (2016), Annual academic sessions of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS (2013, 2016), etc. In 2010-2011 and 2012, worked at several German academic libraries carrying out her Tibetan researches.

Gave series of lectures on Tibetan language, Buddhist culture and art in Volgograd, Perm and Moscow. In February 2017, started working as an expert on Tibet and academic editor at the Moscow “Buddadharma” publishing house of the Buddhist philosophical literature.

Academic interests: translation of Buddhist philosophy texts (in particular texts from Kanjur and Tenjur), Tibetan and Buddhist studies (in particular Buddhist culture and art), Tibetan paleography and textology, history of the Bogdo Gegens of Mongolia, history of the Indian Mahābodhi complex, decryption and translation of Bodhgaya inscriptions (Kharosthi and Brahmi scripts).


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