Svetlana Lvovna
Born on April 18, 1957.
In 1980, graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, as an electric engineer.
From 1989 up to 2018, a photographer at the Leningrad/St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies / Institute of Oriental Manuscripts.
Worked with the ballet troupe of the Kirovsky/Mariinsky Theatre, the Boris Eifmann Ballet Theatre, the Ballet of the 20th Century troupe of Maurice Bejart.
Took part in the exhibitions of the ballet photos at the St Petersburg Theatre Museum.
Photos published at the journals such as Sovetsky balet (The Soviet Ballet), Tanečny listy (Czechoslovakia), Moscow News.
As the IOM's photographer took part in various international projects such as creation of microphiche copies of the collection of Hebrew mss (in cooperation with the Library of the University of Jerusalem, Israel); creation of microphiche copies of thecollection of Far Eastern abd Central Asian mss (in cooperation with Tōyō Bunko Society, Japan); International Dunghuang Project (IDP, in cooperation with the British Library.
Catalogues of exhibitions published: St Petersburg Murakka, From Bagdad to Isfahan, Lotus Sūtra, etc.
Photos are kept at the St Petersburg Theatre Museum and private collections both in Russia and abroad.