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Isabella Samoilovna

Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - Philology
(28.04.1932 — 09.06.2016)
Date & Place of Birth April 28 1932; Kremenchug, URSS.


MA. in Leningrad State University, Oriental Department, Section of Chinese Philology, 1951-56;
Philological Department, Section of Russian Language and Literature, 1951-53;

Ph.D. in History of the Chinese Language at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Leningrad Branch) - post-graduate.
Supervisor in Studies - S.E.Yakhontov, 1959-62.
Defended the Thesis on “The Grammatical Features of the Chinese Language of the III-V centuries (based on the earliest Chinese Translations of the Buddhist Writings” at the Leningrad State University, 1964.

Area of Specialization

The History of the Chinese Language (basically - the development of the Vernacular Chinese Grammar of the medieval period).
The problem of defining what “a word as a unit“ is and how the words of the Modern Chinese could be divided into classes.
Problems of the historical Syntax: distributing of the words of the Medieval Vernacular Chinese into classes.
The Tang dynasty Chan-Buddhist yulu (grammar & the genre as a whole).
Translations of the Buddhist Writings in Russian.
The Vernacular Chinese Grammar of the Song-Yuan period (based on the texts of pinghua).

Employment Record

1957-1959 - Junior researcher; St.Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences, Russia

1959-1962 - post graduate;

1962-1986 - Junior researcher

1986 - up to 2016 - Senior researcher

1965 - as a member of the Group of authors engaged in preparing the Catalogue of the Dunhuang Manuscripts (the Collection of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of the USSR) I was awarded with the prize of the French Academy of Sciences.

2000-2001 - teaching English at the Academy of Culture & Arts

2001 - teaching English at the Technical Lyceum giving private lessons in English & Chinese

1990-91 - a scientific trip to the Academy of Social Sciences of the China People’s Republic

1993-94 - Fellowship in USA (IREX Program)

1994, March - Participating in the International Workshop “The Medieval Vernacular Sinitic” (Philadelphia, USA)
Delivering lectures to a group of post-graduates

1997, April - Participating in the Conference “India, Tibet, China: Genesis and Aspects of Traditional Narratives” (Venice, Italy).

1997 - Membership of the Association of the Alumni of the Russian-American Academic Exchanges “Professionals for Collaboration”.

2000, August-December - Fellowship (Fulbright Program) in USA, Cornell University, Ithaca
Delivering lectures on Sinoligical Studies (The Certificate in Recognition of Participating in the Fulbright Program, August 2002)

2001, September - Participating in the Second Conference of the European Association of the Chinese Linguistics (Rome, Italy)

2003, Nov. - Participating in the Himalay Foundation conference “The Interaction and Confluence of Chinese and Non-Chinese Culture” (Czech Republic, Prague)

2004, Sept.-Dec. – China, Lanzhou University (Delivering Lectures on Russian, English, Old Chinese, Special Courses)


Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Gurevich I.S. Historical Grammar Of the Chinese Language. The Language Of the Prose In Baihua Of the Song-Yuan Period (Pinghua) [Историческая грамматика китайского языка: язык прозы на байхуа периода Сун-Юань (пинхуа)]. St Petersburg: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2008. 224 p.


Воробьева-Десятовская М.И., Гуревич И.С., Меньшиков Л.Н., Спирин В.С., Школяр С.А. Эцзан Дуньхуан ханьвэнь сецзюань сюйлу (Описание китайских рукописей Дуньхуанского фонда Института народов Азии). В 2 выпусках / Ответственный редактор Л.Н.Меньшиков. Шанхай, 1999. Вып. 1.


Буддизм в переводах. Выпуск 2 / Перевод Е.А.Торчинова, М.Е.Ермакова, В.И.Рудого, Е.П.Островской, Е.А.Островской-младшей, Т.В.Ермаковой, О.С.Сорокиной, К.Ю.Солонина, А.М.Кабанова, А.С.Мартынова, И.С.Гуревич, К.В.Алексеева, В.Л.Успенского, В.Ю.Климова, Е.А.Западовой. Редактор-составитель Е.А.Торчинов. СПб.: «Андреев и сыновья», 1993.


Буддизм в переводах. Выпуск 1 / Перевод Е.А.Торчинова, М.Е.Ермакова, Р.Н.Крапивиной, И.С.Гуревич, О.С.Сорокиной, К.Ю.Солонина, А.М.Кабанова, А.В.Гаврилова. Редактор-составитель Е.А.Торчинов. СПб.: «Андреев и сыновья», 1992.


Pai yü ching (The Sūtra of a Hundred Parables) [Бай юй цзин (Сутра ста притч)]. Tr. from Chinese, with notes by I.S.Gurevich. Introduction and tr. of poetical fragments by L.N.Menshikov. Moscow, Nauka, 1986. 128 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXVI).


Вахтин Б.Б., Гуревич И.С., Кроль Ю.Л., Стулова Э.С., Торопов А.А. Каталог фонда китайских ксилографов Института востоковедения АН СССР. М.: ГРВЛ, 1973. В 3-х т.


Воробьева-Десятовская М.И., Гуревич И.С., Меньшиков Л.Н., Спирин В.С., Школяр С.А. Описание китайских рукописей Дуньхуанского фонда Института народов Азии. В 2 выпусках / Ответственный редактор Л.Н.Меньшиков. М.: ИВЛ, 1963. Вып. 1. 778 с.

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