Vladimir Pavlovich
Senior Researcher at the IOM RAS Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - Philology
Born: 02/09/1973 St. Petersburg, Russia.
Education: The Department of Asian and African Studies, St. Petersburg State University (Russia) 1990-1995. Major: Indo-Aryan Philology (Diploma with distinction).
1995-1999 - post-graduate student at the Research Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).
October-February 1998/99 - visiting scholar at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Wassenaar).
From 1999 up to present – researcher at the Section of South Eastern Studies, the Department of Central Asian and Southern Asian Studies (the former Department of South and South Eastern Asian Studies), the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
PhD thesis (2004): Sentence-theory in Indian Linguistic Philosophy (based on the materials of the second book of Bhartçhari’s Vàkyapadãya).
Participant of a number of Oriental conferences in Russia and abroad. Visited India many times. For several years has been teaching Sanskrit at the Department of Philosophy and The Department of Asian and African Studies of St. Petersburg State University.
Academic interests: ancient Indian philosophy and philosophy of language, traditional religious teachings of India (Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism).