Olympiada Pavlovna
Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - History (12.12.1936 — 01.03.2017)
In 1958, graduated from Leningrad State University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the Department of Near Eastern Studies; a disciple of the preeminent Iranian scholar, Prof Ilia P. Petrushevsky. From 1958 up to December 2013, worked at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, from 1999, as a leading researcher.
In May 1979, defended the PhD Dissertation, The Iranian Lithographic Books as a Source on the History and Cultural History of Iran from the 19th Century [Иранская литографированная книга как источник по истории и истории культуры Ирана XIX в.]. In 1995, defended the Habilitation Dissertation, The Lithographic Book Printing in Persian from Iran and India from the 19th Century, Based upon the St Petersburg Collections [Литографское книгоиздание на персидском языке в XIX в. в Иране и Индии (на основе Санкт-Петербургских собраний)].
On November 14–15, 2023, the 1st All-Russia conference of young orientalists “Army and military traditions of the Near East” will be held at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. The program of the conference is now available.