Nelli Vladimirovna
Professor Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - History
Born on December 9, 1943, in Leningrad.
Graduated from Leningrad State University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, section of Assyriology. In 1968, started to work at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies. In 1994, started to run general and special courses of lectures at St Petersburg University on the history of the Ancient Orient, Old Babylonian legislative and economic texts, economy of Ancient Mesopotamia, Akkadian language, ancient history of the Eastern Mediterranean, trade and trade routes in Mesopotamia during the 3rd through 2nd millennia BCE, etc. From 1998 up to 2011, she headed the Department of the History of the Ancient Eastern Countries at the Faculty of Oriental Studies. In 2011, she returned to the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (former Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies), the Department of Ancient Eastern Studies, and worked there up to 2019.
In 1974, she defended the PhD Dissertation, Ancient Larsa. Accounts of Economic Life [Древняя Ларса. Очерки хозяйственной жизни]. In 1997, defended the Habilitation Dissertation,Southern Mesopotamia in Early 2nd Millennium BCE. Social-Economic History [Южная Месопотамия в начале 2 тыс. до н.э. Социально-экономическая история]. She is the author of the monograph Ancient Larsa [Древняя Ларса] and more than 60 academic papers on various issues of history and philology of Ancient Mesopotamia. Major research interests are in the study of ancient cuneiform texts and monuments of material culture from Mesopotamia.
Kozyreva N.V. Studies in the History of Southern Mesopotamia in Early Antiquity (from the 7th to the middle of the 2nd millennium BC). St. Petersburg : Contrast, 2016. 552 p., ill. (Studia Mesopotamia). ISBN 978-5-4380-0149-2
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